Chapter 12

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* 1 week later

* Tim and Lucy have been going on dates Nolan likes Tim now

*Tim knocks door

Lucy *answers it : hi handsome *kisses him : do we have a date
Tim *pulls away : no we don't I just needed to see you
Lucy : bad day
Tim *nods

* they go on the couch and sit and talk

Tim : this kid was upset about his mom and dad getting divorced the dad was abusing the kid
Lucy : oh baby I'm sorry *kisses his forehead
Tim : can I tell you something from my childhood
Lucy : of course baby
Tim : when I was a kid I would always have to protect my mom and sister from my dad because my dad would I abuse them so I took the hit every time he'd get drunk
Lucy *hugs him : baby I'm glad you told me I'm here if you need me
Tim : I know you are baby *kisses her head

* Tim stayed the night

* the next day

* Lucy was at the hospital Tim calling her

Lucy - hey handsome
Tim - hey baby I miss you
Lucy - we saw each other this morning
Tim - I know but it's been 1 hour
Lucy - how about date tonight and maybe you'll get a kiss
Nolan - your on speakerphone
Lucy - sorry dad *laughs
Man *gun to Lucy's head : hang up the phone carefully now
Tim - baby you still there
Lucy - I love you Tim  I love you dad *hangs up the phone

* uh oh what's going to happen now

*find out next chapter

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