Chapter 11

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* Tim was discharged from the hospital and he went back to work he was told by his girlfriend to take it easy

* at the hospital

* Lucy saw a new Isabel Bradford she walks in

Lucy : Miss Bradford
Isabel : can I go
Lucy : someone has inform your emergency contact
Tim *walks in
Lucy : officer Bradford *
Tim : I'll explain later I promise
Lucy : okay be careful
Tim *nods
Lucy : I'll leave you too it *walks out

*with Isabel and Tim

Tim : it's been 2 years Isabel
Isabel : didn't know you was still my contact sorry
Tim : is that what you are  sorry for are you sorry for leaving me in the middle of the night leaving me alone I thought something happened undercover
Isabel : yea I guess I am
Tim : you have an addiction it needs to stop
Isabel : new girlfriend
Tim : I signed divorce papers months ago I'm done with you Isabel walks out

* Tim left the hospital he didn't go back to work

* at 10pm Lucy finished his shift and she went home

* she arrived home opens the door and sees her dad

Lucy : hey dad *shut the door
Nolan : your boyfriend is in your room
Lucy : Tim in my room is he
Nolan : he looked pretty upset
Lucy : thanks dad * walks in my room see him sat on the bed he looked sad I shut the door put my bag on the floor I sit on the bed next to him : hey
Tim : hi
Lucy : Tim what's wrong
Tim : I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Isabel
Lucy : it's okay
Tim : it isn't
Lucy : babe you can talk about it if you want to
Tim : before I met you me and Isabel was in the same department she was a rookie and I was and we fell in love she was the best cop and I fell for her couple months later we started to date I was happy I decided I would ask her to marry me and we did we got married after that she decided she wanted to do undercover work and I was supportive but she started acting weird out every night she always give me an excuse but one day I
Lucy *holds his hand
Tim : one day I found out why she was an addict she left me at night and never came back then I applied for an a divorce and yea then I meet you and you changed my life
Lucy *hugs him : I'm sorry you went though that
Tim *put his head into Lucy's shoulder
Lucy : you can talk to me about anything
Tim : I know thank you

* they pulled away and then cuddled up together in bed and they fell asleep together in each other's arms

* hope you liked this chapter

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