Chapter 19

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* 2 weeks later

* Lucy and Tim were back home they were back to work

* Lucy was clear to go back to work

* lucy was still nervous about working but she knew nothing could hurt her

* with Tim

Tim : how was Lucy today
Nolan : she was good how was she when you saw her
Tim : happy
Nolan : maybe she's gonna be okay
Tim : yea maybe

* Tim and Nolan rushed to a scene

Tim : drop the weapon now
Man : no he deserves it she killed my wife
Tim : I know what you are feeling right now
Man : how
Tim : my girlfriend she works at a hospital she was shot a couple weeks ago she survived if I lost her I wouldn't know what I would do so please but the weapon down please would your wife want this
Man *nods : no she wouldn't *drops the weapon

* Nolan cuffed the man put him in the back of the shop car

* they took him to the police station and signed papers Tim had to walk away he needed to think

* he goes in the lockers rooms

Nolan : you okay
Tim : fine
Nolan : have you told Lucy
Tim : told her what
Nolan : how you're feeling
Tim : why should l she got shot I didn't
Nolan : I understand but
Tim : no buts just Leave me be

* Nolan walked out and he texted Lucy

Nolan - it's Tim he needs you emotionally

* Lucy saw the message she told Grace she told her to go

* at the station

* Lucy ran in

Lucy : dad
Nolan : locker room
Lucy : is he okay
Nolan : he's struggling when you got shot
Lucy *nods walks into the men locker room

* Lucy saw her boyfriend sitting down she sat next to him

Lucy : you know when my dad texted me about you I was surprised
Tim : baby what you
Lucy : talk to me
Tim : when you got shot I couldn't do anything I couldn't put you in my arms i couldn't do anything all I did was watch you in pain I * tear fall down my face
Lucy *hugs him : it's not your fault it wasn't mine either Tim I love you
Tim : I love you too *kisses her neck
Lucy *smiles

* they hugged for a while they headed home to Tim's house Tim and Lucy cuddled on the bed together falling asleep

* hope you liked this chapter

* Tim and Lucy finally opened up to each other

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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