Chapter 9

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*gun shot goes off

Nolan : 7-100 officer down officer Bradford has been shot need ambulance at **** now
Man : copy that ambulance 1 minute away
Nolan *keep pressure on where Tim was shot
Tim : L......
Nolan : keep your strength

*the ambulance came

*Bailey and her partner ran to them put a oxygen mask over him put him on the bed and put him in the back of the ambulance Nolan would meet them there

* inside the ambulance

Tim : te......
Bailey : Tim keep your strength
Tim : ...please
Bailey : okay *lowers the oxygen mask
Tim :
Bailey : you'll be able to tell her yourself *put the mask back up

*they arrived at the hospital

* Lucy and Grace was talking

Bailey *ran in : male shot to his chest he's losing consciousness
Lucy : Tim
Grace : I think I need to keep you off this
Lucy : I'll be okay
Grace : Chen that's an order
Lucy : okay let me know straight away
Grace : I will

*they all ran to get Tim to surgery

Lucy *was freaking out and stressing
Nolan *ran in : Lucy
Lucy : hey
Nolan : is he
Lucy : I don't know I'm not aloud to be anywhere near Tim as I'm to close to him
Nolan *nods sits down

*everyone of the LAPD came

Bailey : you're Lucy right
Lucy : yea
Bailey : Tim wanted me to tell you something
Lucy : okay can I know
Bailey : he wanted me to tell you that he loves you
Lucy *smiles
Bailey : your dad doesn't know does he
Lucy : no and I'll tell him not yet
Bailey : of course

*Grace come out

Grace : Tim family
Angela : is he
Grace : he's going to be okay make a good recovery but he'll have to take it easy but I think I know who will look after him *looks at Lucy : dr Chen you can go and check Tim oxygen please
Lucy : yea sure *walks to Tim's room

*Lucy walked into Tim's room she checked the oxygen it's okay she sits on the chair hold his hand

Lucy : babe Bailey told me what you wanted to tell me and I love you too I can't lose you baby please come back to me
Tim *hand moved
Lucy : babe
Tim : hey
Lucy *gets up kisses his forehead
Tim : I love you
Lucy : I love you too *kisses his lips
Tim *kisses back
Nolan : what on earth is going on
Lucy *pulls away : dad

*hope you liked this chapter

* uh oh Nolan found them two kissing what will happen

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