Chapter 14

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* 1 hour later

Grace : Nolan Tim
Nolan : is she
Grace : she's Gonna be okay make a good recovery you can see her now room 10

* they walked to Lucy's room they enter the room Tim stood Nolan sat down

*couple hours later

Lucy *moans starts to open her eyes
Nolan : darling it's me I'm here and Tim is
Lucy *opens her eyes : t..Tim
Tim : I'm here baby over here
Lucy *looks to her side sees Tim : hey
Tim *kisses her forehead: thank god you're okay
Lucy : can't get rid of me that easily
Nolan : don't scare us like that ever again
Lucy : sorry dad
Nolan : it's okay just worried us
Lucy : water
Tim *grabs the water puts water into a cup puts a straw in it and gives it to Lucy
Lucy *drinks it from the straw then gives it back  to Tim
Tim *puts it on the side

* 4 hours later

* Lucy was laughing with Nolan Tim wasn't he was moody

Lucy : dad could you get me some fresh water
Nolan : but you have
Lucy : dad
Nolan : oh yea sure *gets up and leaves

* with Tim and Lucy

Lucy : Babe
Tim : yea
Lucy : come here
Tim *sits on the edge of the bed
Lucy *holds his hand : talk to me babe
Tim : I heard the gunshot I couldn't do anything to help you and when I came in I saw you there laying on the floor in pain I couldn't do anything to help you *tears came down to my face
Lucy : babe this wasn't on you I okay you couldn't do anything but I know for sure you're my hero because you shot the guy and they got me to surgery babe please lay down
Tim *nods : okay * lays down puts an arm around her
Lucy *lays in his chest and falls asleep
Tim *shuts his eyes and eventually fell asleep

* hope you liked this chapter

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