Chapter 2

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* Tim has been discharged from the hospital Lucy sent him food to his house he doesn't go back to work till next week

Nolan : darling
Lucy : yea dad
Nolan : I won't be here for food
Lucy : date
Nolan : I uh
Lucy : have fun *leaves the room

*Lucy meet up with Jackson told him about Tim

Jackson : so is  Tim okay
Lucy : yeah he'll be okay he's stubborn he'll be just fine
Jackson : yea he's stubborn do you like him
Lucy *laughs a bit : yea I like him
Jackson : would you date him
Lucy : jacks
Jackson : would you
Lucy : yea I would
Jackson : mm okay
Lucy : what are you implying
Jackson : you have a crush on Tim
Lucy : oh look at the time I've got a shift see you later *leaves

*at the hospital Lucy was treating a patient she gets called there's someone here to see me

Lucy : who's here to see me
Nurse : man over there
Lucy : excuse me sir you looking for me
Tim *Turns  around : hello Lucy
Lucy : Tim

* what is Tim doing at the hospital

*find out next chapter

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