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arriving back at her home, she takes her shoes off, falling onto the couch. "i'm always amazed at your home, Adeline," Armin says, to the living room. "why? it's not like it's special. it's pretty plain, honestly," Adeline shrugs off his compliment. she was never one to be good at accepting compliments from others, something she wasn't used to and had failed to get used to. her home was black and white, quite literally. the exterior of the home was white with a black roof and a tall black entry door. once you walk in the living room can be seen straight ahead, pass the double staircases, one to the left and another to the right. a storing closet just underneath the left staircase and a bathroom under the right. connected to the living room was the kitchen that to the left, the two being separate with an open wall to distinct the different locations. a black chandelier hang from the top of the tall ceilings, just above the grey, sectional couch, a glass coffee table in the center. a tv mounted to the wall that had been made into a grey wood paneling to match the couch, with a fireplace just underneath the tv.  heading up the stairs, there was a rail at the top where you could see the open living room, in either direction had a bedroom, the one to the left having a bathroom connected to the room as well as a big walk in closet. the other room had a bathroom just across the hall from it, but also contained a walk in closet. both decorated with white, black, and grey decor, fake plants for pops of color. 

she turned on her TV, flicking through the different channels before finding a show interesting enough to watch. Paradis has developed so much, slowly but surely catching up to society outside of where the walls once separated them. modern homes and buildings, television, phones, wifi, it all felt so... fake. it was too unbelievable and always amazed everyone of Paradis, having only just recently started using all these things for almost 4 years and newer stuff just kept getting added. "it's a shame Eren didn't take the invite, right Annie?" Armin looks over his shoulder to the girl who stood at the entrance of the living room, Armin leaning over the back of the couch. "yeah, well you didn't even an invitation to reject... or accept," Adeline mumbled, teasingly. "hey!" Armin, whipped his head at Astrid with a frown. Astrid glances up at Armin with a blank stare, "Annie is more than welcomed in my home, Armin. you on the other hand-," Armin chops the top of Adeline's head, his face blank. "hey, watch it, Adeline," Armin warns in a brotherly manner. despite Armin being younger than Astrid, he was definitely more of an older brother. 

Adeline had been laying in bed, Armin and Annie were already passed out in the spare bedroom, both had been early sleepers, Adeline on the other hand was more of a night owl. stayed up late most nights unless she had plans the next morning. tossing and turning in her bed for 2 hours, she finally gave up the attempt to sleep. she let out a sigh as she got out of bed and walked over to her window, sitting on the couch that she had placed by it to turn it into a reading nook of sorts. she grabbed a book she had been reading, given to her by Armin who had gotten from a Marleyan when he travelled overseas a year after The Rumbling. she climbed out of her window, taking a seat on the roof that was on the other side. it was a warm night, Adeline took in a deep breath of air, smiling to herself as a light breeze came by. opening her book she began to read. it was a story about an apocalyptic world where a group of teenage boys lived in a maze, trying to find out how to escape but as far as any of them knew, there was no way out. the only way in was through an elevator of some sort that would never go down with someone in it, but always managed to bring someone new with supplies  every month without fail. it was a peculiar story. it reminded Astrid of how she and the others had lived. trapped in the walls, doing everything they can to survive an unknown threat. 

Adeline put her book down, taking out her phone to check the time. she was nearly done with the book, only 5 chapters left. "6 in the morning already?" she looks up at the sky, noticing it was slightly lighter out than when she originally had stepped outside around 2am. she stands up and crawls back through her window, setting foot on the cold tile of her room. she puts her book back on her shelf and crawls into bed, plugging in her device. he should be awake still... she reaches back for her phone, unlocking it and going straight to messages.

a slave to freedom (Eren Yeager x OC female)Where stories live. Discover now