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*** Adeline's P.O.V ***

Adeline walked into the dining hall the next morning, her hand horribly bandaged as she had changed it on her own. it was a lot easier said than done trying to wrap your own hand. she heads to her usual table, Annie, Armin, Jean, Connie and Piek were already sitting there. to her surprise, so was Eren. "good morn- what the hell happened to your hand?!" Jean asked, getting everyone at the table to look at Adeline as she took her seat next to Annie. "it's nothing," she responds dryly. "nothing?! you look like you have a cast on!" Connie intervens. Adeline takes a look at her hand, "i just burnt my hand, alright? i was making dinner, dropped the pot and got burned from the boiling water. i'll be okay," she gives a quick fake smile. all of them glance at each other before silently coming to an agreement amongst the others, all nodding nearly at once. she reached for a piece of toast, accidentally hitting her hand on the table as she leaned forward, "shit!" she winces, holding her hand. "are you okay?!" Piek says, sitting next to her, she grabs her hand. "i'm fine," Adeline replies, her eyes tearing up at the impact. "i'll make your plate," Eren says, grabbing her empty plate and piling food onto it. she still hadn't looked at him, she found it hard to look him in the face after yesterday. he sets the plate back down in front of her. "thank you," she says, as she picks up her fork to start eating. the others worriedly look at each other again. Armin nudges Eren's arm, jabbing his own head in Adeline's direction as to ask if he knows what's wrong. he takes a quick glance at her before shrugging and shaking his head no.

Adeline had left once she finished eating, heading back to her own home, kicking a rock on her way. "Adeline!" she hears someone call out. she lifts her head and turns at the sound of his voice, Eren jogging towards her. she continues to stare at the ground, now staring at both her's and Eren's shoes as he stopped in front of her. "hey," she says, refusing to look up. "hey," he says, feeling the tension build between them. "can i rewrap that for you?" he asks, pointing to her hand. she shakes her head no, "it's fine, i can do it," she replies, still looking down. "please," he steps forward, reaching out. she moves her hand, placing it behind her back. "i've got it, Eren. thank you for the offer though," she takes a step back, turning around to continue her walk home. "i'm sorry!" he calls out, causing her to pause again. he walks up to her again. "i-," he lets out a frustrated sigh, "i didn't mean to ignore you for 2 months. i mean... i did, but i didn't mean to hurt you. i should've known it would have anyway. but... i don't know. that picture Armin took, it just... i got scared, i guess. i'm sorry. i shouldn't have walked out on you like that. i shouldn't have ignored you. i just-.." "Eren, please... you're rambling. just breathe," she manages to get out. he fell silent, staring at her back. "please let me help you," he asks again, taking another step closer. he grabs her non-injured hand. her fingers twitch a little at his touch. her heart beating fast and face getting hot. "alright, Yeager," she says, continuing to walk, letting their hands naturally separate as she walked ahead. he stood for a moment before following behind her.

stepping through the door she heads straight to the bathroom. Eren closes the door, locking it and following her. by the time he reaches the bathroom, she's already had most of the bandage off and the new bandage out and ready. Eren moves her hand to the side and continues unravelling the gause. "you did a horrible job," he teased. "yeah, well it's not easy wrapping your own hand," she says, looking at his hands. her hand was green and yellow with bruises, a little swollen, but the wounds bleeding had slowed, it was still surfacing a little. "you really did a number on your hand," he says, wrapping it up again. "for someone who told me to be careful because i couldn't regenerate anymore, you really went all in when you never had the ability to heal your injuries," he smiles at her. she looks up at him, for the first time in 2 months, both staring at each other silently. "it's different when it comes to you, Yeager," she says, not breaking eye contact. "i could say the same to you," he says, coolly she looks away. he smiles and starts putting everything away. "how is it the same? you're the one who forgets he can't heal himself anymore," she watches him as he closes the cupboard. "that's a fair point," he says, turning to her once he finishes up. "but as someone who's never been able to heal themself, i'd assume you'd be more careful," he leans down to her eye level. her face flushes a soft pink, staring at his eyes. he flicks her forehead, laughing as she pushes his face away, rolling her eyes and walking out of the bathroom. Eren followed behind as she headed into the living room, sitting on the couch and turning on the TV. the two began to chat, talking about whatever had come to mind. 

*** Eren's P.O.V ***

before either knew it, it was already 7pm. they had been watching a movie on the couch, eating a pizza they had ordered. "this might be the best invention ever," Adeline said, taking another slice. "i can't believe we've lived so long without this miracle!" she bit into the slice, pulling it away as the cheese stretched out, eyes flooded with excitement. "i don't know, i kinda think the TV's are cool," Eren adds his input, getting an agreed nod from the girl. "you're so right," she says swallowing. "are you going to stay tonight or head home?" she asks, finishing her slice. "i'll be heading home," he says, stretching his arms and legs. "the movie was good though, thank you again for the pizza," he says, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets. Adeline had cleaned it, managed to get the blood off. "i think it looks even better now, personally. looks brand new!" she says proudly, taking a look at the black jacket that hang down to his thighs. he smiles as he watches her stand up, stepping towards him and straightening out the hood on his jacket. a small smile creeps onto his face, "what?" she asks, looking at him as she finished fixing his hood. "nothing," he says, still with a small smile on his lips. a glimpse of light danced across his eyes, just briefly, but it was there. he stared a little bit longer, she had looked away to turn the TV off. Mikasa... i'm so, so, so sorry. she looked back at him to find him still looking at her. "Yeager, you okay?" Adeline asks, now concerned. he gives a small nod. grabbing her arm and pulling her into a hug. "thank you," he says, holding her tightly. "haven't i told you before-" "i know...," he takes in a deep breath, letting it out in a sigh. "i know. but still, thank you. so much. for always being there. for never giving up on me," he says, resting his head on her shoulder. she froze for a moment before hugging him back, "always, Eren. you'll always have me in your corner. no matter what," she spoke quietly, trying to hide the nervousness in her voice as her face flushed over. she could feel his heart pounding against her. he backed away, ruffling her hair. "i'll let myself out. i'll see you tomorrow," he smiles faintly, turning to head out. leaving Adeline stood there, dazed and confused. 

a slave to freedom (Eren Yeager x OC female)Where stories live. Discover now