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she sat up from her bed, sleepily looking around the room. god, what time is it? she thought, feeling more drained than usual. she grabs her phone off the charger, it was almost 11 in the morning. she took notice of a text from Eren, her mind immediately flooding with what happened last night. hesitantly, she opens the text.

Eren: good morning. i just wanted to apologize for last night, again. i don't know what i'm doing but from here on i'll try to do better. i'm also sorry for... you know. anyways, i'm hanging out with Jean, Connie and Piek today. they wanted to go to the beach if you want to come. we'll be there around 10:30.

Adeline stares at the text, memories of last night repeating over in her mind. her face had turned a light red as she thought of the two being so close. she debates for a moment before telling him she'll be there. as much as she'd like to avoid Eren right now, knowing how flustered she'd be, she did want to see the others. getting up, she heads for the bathroom door to get ready. in the middle of packing up her beach bag, she pauses. panic settling in, she puts her hands on her head, grabbing a clump of hair in both hands. "what am i going to do?! what am i going to say?!" she whispers to herself at the thought of seeing Eren. "this was a bad idea, maybe i shouldn't go," she second guesses. just then her phone dings, she glances at it seeing Eren's name. with shaky hands from her nerves, she unlocks her phone.

Eren: great! i'll see you soon, then! :)

not responding to the text, she locks her phone again. panicking even more. i have to go now. he's expecting me now and i'm sure he's already told the others. i don't want to bail out on them. pull yourself together, Adeline! she takes in a deep breath, continuing her packing. she heads to her closet, opening a drawer that was filled with swimsuits. she looks at them all, "i need to throw some of these out. there's no reason for me to have so many," she says before picking out a sage green bikini. she puts it on, grabbing an oversized t-shirt she had used as a coverup, slipping on a pair of sandals and heading out the door.

she pulls into the parking lot, noticing Eren and Jean's cars, assuming Connie had tagged along with Jean and Piek. she grabs her things from the passenger seat, heading down the wooden bridge to the beach. she scans the area, unable to find her group of friends. she takes her phone from her bag, calling Piek as she's least likely to get in the water. "hey, El!" the girl answers, "are you here?" she asks. "yeah, where are you? i parked near you," she says to give more direction. "go to the right, we're a bit further down," "got it," she ends the call and continues to walk. it wasn't long before Piek was in her sights. she looked over to the water, the three boys diving into the waves that were approaching shore. she set her bag down, getting her towel out and laying it right next to Piek. "i'm glad you were able to make it!" Piek welcomes, looking up at Adeline with one hand over her eyes to block out the sun. "it was sort of last minute, i had just woken up when i saw Eren's text," she says, taking a set, looking back at the boys. "yeah it was kind of last second for us, too. Jean got the idea right before bed last night, immediately called Connie and Eren. he was going to call you too but Eren said you had already fallen asleep," Piek looks curiously at Adeline. her cheeks tint over, thinking about last night again. "anyway, how are you and Jean?" she quickly asks, changing the subject. Piek shrugs, "same old. good as always. i head back home next week which is going to suck, i suppose. it's unfortunate he can't come back this time," she responds, staring at her boyfriend in the distance as he dunks Connie under the water. Adeline nodded along, staring at Eren. "OH! you have to tell Reiner he has to come visit sometime soon! we miss him," Adeline looks away from the water and at Piek. "yeah, he's a busy man nowadays," Piek sighs, leaning back on her elbows. "being a commander of Marley's military and all, or at least the rebuilding of it," a little disappointment in his voice. "i hope he's doing well," Adeline says, looking down at her thighs. last time Adeline had seen him he had been exhausted.

a slave to freedom (Eren Yeager x OC female)Where stories live. Discover now