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it was going on 4:30 when they had left, heading back to Adeline's for dinner. Connie road with Adeline this time as Jean and Piek were going to stop back at his house to drop everything off. "no one else is here! why won't you tell me!" Connie whines. "Connie, we didn't talk about anything in particular. we just talked like normal friends do," Adeline has been trying to drop the conversation since they drove off. "you're lying! both of you were blushing like crazy when we walked up! something happened and i want to know!" Connie demands once again. Adeline rolls her eyes with a laugh, "Connie, for the last time, nothing happened. we just talked for a little bit and he went home, that's all," she says once again. "so something ALMOST happened!" Connie detects. she quickly shifts her eyes at him, "what makes you say that?! i just said nothing happ-"

"EXACTLY! you said nothing happened, which means something almost happened! WHAT HAPPENED, EL?!" Connie yelled, more excited than ever. "you're so nosy," she laughs, pulling into her driveway. Eren pulls up just as they got out of her car, "i'm not over this, El," Connie warns as they watch Eren get out. they walk into the house, Connie immediately heading to the couch, Eren and Adeline following behind, but entering the kitchen. "Yeager, can you grab the carrots out of the fridge for me?" Adeline asks, pulling out the crock pot from under cabinet. "have you ever had Pot Roast before?" she asks him, Connie laughter coming from the living room. she looks up at the tv in the distance. "never," Eren responds putting ingredients on the counter. "i've only had it once. Nicolo had made it for me once. he said it was one of Sasha's favorites. i haven't made it myself but he have me the recipe, so this'll be new for all of us," she smiles to him before getting to work.

"that was so good, El," Jean compliments. she frowns at her empty plate, "it didn't taste like nicolo's though. i must have messed up at some point," she says poking the plate with her fork. "this was your first time making it, El. don't beat yourself over it, it still tasted amazing!" Piek says, grabbing her hand, Eren and Connie nodding in agreement. "we should get going, though. it's getting late and we have to drop Connie off," Jean says, looking at his watch. it's going on 1 in the morning. Adeline walked them out, waving goodbye as they drove off. "are you heading out too?" she turns to Eren who had been behind her. he gives a small shrug. "not sure," she gives a nod, closing the door and heading to the kitchen to clean up. Eren stood next to her, drying off the dishes she had cleaned, putting them back in their respectable spots. it was a silent job. "if you plan on staying, i'm going to be up a little longer. i just started a new book," she says excited, turning out of the kitchen to head upstairs to her room. Eren followed behind her, he rather enjoyed having someone who stayed up late as well. made him feel less lonely.

she took a seat on the small sofa, cracking the window open and lighting a candle on her side table. opening her new book as Eren climbed through the window, lying down on the room staring at the dark sky. about 2 hours had passed, exchanging words here and there, Adeline put her book down and joined Eren on the roof. a light warm breeze blew as she laid down, pushing her brown hair out of her face. he turns her head to her, "done reading?" he asks. she nods, "for now," she looks at him. they stared at each other for a while, Adeline looking away first. "didn't i tell you it's impolite to stare," she says looking at the stars.

*** Eren's P.O.V *** 

He smiles at her, not looking away despite what she says. his smile fades, "i don't," he says, watching her face change, looking at him again. "you don't what?" she asks, confused. "it's been nearly 3 years," he continues, making her more confused. "i shouldn't feel guilty, but i do. but i finally came to terms with it, sort of. i won't lie, i'm still a little conflicted, but more so with my own issues and less with how i feel about it," he looks back up to the sky. Adeline listening to him, sitting up now. he lets out a sigh, "i'm sorry for pushing you away so often. i'm just scared of hurting you. so, scared, terrified honestly. i've convinced myself it's better to keep my distance from you, it was easier i guess. i... we already lost Mikasa. you said you didn't know what you'd do if you lost me, but i don't know what i'd do if i got you killed too. it wasn't supposed to be her," he says, tiredness taking over his voice. she was still lost, confused by his words. he fell asleep before either of them knew it.

"Eren," she says quietly. he opens his eyes, lying back in the grass he found him days earlier. "Mikasa," he says, his voice faint. "are you mad at me?" he asks, resting his head on her legs she had folded underneath her. she shakes her head no. "never, Eren. it's about time you move on. Adeline and Armin need you," she smiles down at him, playing with his hair. "i don't know. they have each other, plus Annie, Piek, Jean, Connie and Reiner," he says, closing his eyes. "they need you, Eren," she repeats. he looks up at her. "i know you were supposed to be the one to die," she says, staring at his face. his eyes gloss over. "why didn't you do it," his voice breaks. "i couldn't bring myself to, but... it worked didn't it? one of us had to go. though i still don't fully understand it. but we both couldn't live that day. so, live for me, Eren," she says. "no, live for her," she says. "wake up, Eren," she continues playing with his hair. he just stares at her, tears slowly falling down the sides of his face. "Eren, wake up," "Yeager,"

*** Adeline's P.O.V ***

"Yeager," she whispers softly, his watery eyes open up, looking straight at her. his head was now in her lap, her fingers gently pulling through his hair. "bad dream?" she asks, looking concerned. he had randomly fallen asleep and started crying. he shakes his head slowly, sitting up from her lap. "clarity," he says, grabbing her chin gently and leaning in, placing his lips on her's. slowly pulling away, he looks at her. "i love you, Adeline," he watches as her face gets more red by the second.

a slave to freedom (Eren Yeager x OC female)Where stories live. Discover now