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"you're leaving?!" Adeline says, shooting her eyes back and forth between Armin and Annie. "well, Annie wanted to introduce me to her family... properly," Armin says. "you can come too," Annie invites. Armin snaps her head at her, "she can't come! El, you can't come!" he says turning back to his friend. Adeline frowns, "i wasn't going to come anyway!" she says folding her arms over her chest. "besides, someone needs to make sure Eren's going to survive once he finds out," she looks back at the two. "we'll only be gone 2 months," "TWO MONTHS?!" Adeline shouts. Annie covers her ears, Armin jumping back a little. "geez, El, quiet down," Armin says. "i thought it was only going to be like 2 weeks!" she questions, sadness coming over her. "i think you're reacting worse than how Eren will," Annie says, removing her hands from her ears. Adeline pouts at her, hands dropped to her sides balled in a fist. "oh please, no one is more dramatic than that guy," she rolls her eyes. Armin gave her a skeptical look. "what?!" she asks defensively. "nothing," Armin laughs. "I'M NOT MORE DRAMATIC!"

"Adeline, you're acting like we're moving there and abandoning you," Annie chuckles, grabbing her hand. "BECAUSE YOU ARE! basically... i mean geez, you date for 8 months and now you're casually going on a 2 month trip! who does that?!" Adeline questions, squeezing Annie's hand. "normal couples, El. normal people do that," Armin says, ruffling her hair with a soft smile.

they all walk through the doors to the dining hall for dinner, taking a seat at their usual table. Adeline asks a bunch of questions about their trip as they eat. she had never traveled overseas before, always has been on this island. she would have liked to though, someday. she dreamed of the other side of the water, was it as beautiful as she had always pictured? was it as amazing as she heard? she had multiple opportunities to go out, but she was also scared. i mean, sure Armin and Annie would be praised on the other side, but what about her? she wasn't in the fight. she stayed behind. no one knew her, as far as the rest of the world knew she could have been on Eren's side, helping him. she already knew there were people still suspicious of the island and the people on it. i can't blame them, can i? the whole of humanity was minutes away from being extinct. she lets out a long, slow breath taking another bite from her potato.

back at her home, Adeline laid in her bed, continuing her book. she had realized she never finished the last few chapters. suddenly there was a banging on the door. she jolts up at the distant sound, her doorbell ringing like crazy. wearily, she gets up, grabbing a blade from her ODM gear. it was from the day titans vanished, she had it turned into a sword thanks to the help of Jean who had become a blacksmith after The Rumbling. tiptoeing downstairs, sword in hand clenching it tightly, she approaches the door. the banging still continuing, the doorbell still going off. she unlocks the door in the midst of the noise, swinging it open and swinging the blade at the person at the door. he quickly moves out of the way, dodging the blade. "EREN?!" Adeline looks at him as his face goes white. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" she screams, loosening the grip on the sword. "the hell are you carrying that for?!" he says, looking down at the blade. "i don't know! maybe it's because someone is banging on my door, breaking my doorbell at 1 in the morning!" she says, gesturing to her door with the blade. "you could've killed me just now!" he says, stepping into her home. "it's a good thing you always moved faster than me," she says closing the door behind her, placing the blade next to the door. "why are you trying to break my home?" she asks again, making their way to the kitchen, she starts making them tea. 

*** Eren's P.O.V ***

he takes a seat at one of the barstools. "did you talk to Armin?!" he says, grabbing the sugar and milk from the fridge. Eren had opened up more these last few months. more so opening up again with Armin and Adeline. he was still quiet around anyone else. he still had his moments though, where he would shut down again for a bit. but he was improving, finally. "yeah, i saw him earlier today. they're heading out tomorrow," she says nonchalantly. he sets his mug down and looks at her, silent for a moment, looking at her. she looks up from her own mug, "what?" she asks, staring blankly at him. "you knew?" he says sounding offended. she nods slowly, "he told me not to tell you. he wanted to tell you himself," she says quickly. he scoffs, "traitor," he says taking another sip. "oh come on, Yeager. you know i can't go against Armin. he's an angel," she says cupping her cheeks with her hands. angel? "what are you in love with him or something?" he blurts out before his mind catches up with his mouth. Adeline looks at him shocked for a moment before gagging at the question. "NO WAY!" she gags again. Eren laughs at her reaction, "i was worried there for a second," he says quietly, too low for her to hear. she takes a drink of her tea, "that's the worst question you've ever asked me, Yeager. am i in love with Armin Arlert? don't make me laugh," she says, taking another sip of her drink, taking a quick glance at him. "i was just messing with you," he chuckles. his smile quickly fading, embarrassment settling into his mind. why did i say that... he begins to bite his lip as he gets lost in his thoughts. the sudden change in his demeanor raises suspicion to Adeline. "hey, you okay?" she asks him, examining his face. he doesn't respond. "Eren?" she calls out to him. "hey, Eren," she says more stern.

*** Adeline's P.O.V ***

she walks over to him, shaking him a little. "Eren, what's up?" she asks, snapping him out of his thoughts. "hmm?" he asks looking at her. his eyes.. not again... "what's wrong? did i say something?" she asks, taking a seat next to him. he shakes his head, "no, no. it's not you. i think i'm going to head out. i'm getting a bit tired," he says, looking away from her, standing up from his seat. "oh... okay," she gets up, following him to the door. "thanks for the tea," he gives a weak smile and heads out the door, Adeline waves bye, closing the door behind him. she remains in front of the door, staring at it as if he were still there. "why, Eren..." she whispers to herself, "why do you keep shutting me out just when you're coming back.."

it's been a week since Eren has said something to Adeline aside from a casual hello. he didn't even look at her when they were saying goodbye to Armin and Annie. "hey, Captain, do you think Eren is a bad guy?" Adeline asks as she pushes the man in the wheelchair. "well, he got Hange, Sasha and Mikasa killed, i've lost an eye, i've got  and i'm now bound to a wheelchair, and not to forget the brat killed 80% of the population," Levi says bluntly. Adeline lowers her head as they reach the park. "but," he continues, watching as she sat down on the bench next to him, "i don't know what's right and wrong. i don't agree with trying to slaughter humanity, but... i don't know if it was the wrong reason either. i just knew that i couldn't stand by knowing innocent lives were taken the way ours were," he says, tilting his head back to look at the sky. "if you're wavering on your loyalty towards him, i wouldn't think too much about it," he says taking notice of her silence. "it was kind of a complicated situation. who knows what would have happened if he didn't start The Rumbling. there was no guarantee that we would be trusted, i guess Eren saw that. decided to make himself the victim for our sake. now he's paying the price and has to live with it. that bastard," he rubs his brows, a sigh escaping his lips. "he's not speaking to me again," she admits, looking at him, he looks at her briefly. "yeah? well he's always been complicated. you should talk to him. let him know how it makes you feel. you and Armin are the last people he has in terms of family bonds. if he keeps acting like this he's going to screw it all up and lose you both, " he takes a drink from his bottle of water. "sometimes i feel like that's what he's trying to do. Armin suspects so, too. i also feel like Armin is putting up a front. he's the only one who hasn't changed so much, him and of course you too, Captain," she smiles at him. he gives her a side glare, "i've changed plenty, i just don't let you stubborn brats see it," he looks back up at the sky. they continued to chat for a while longer before Adeline walks with him back home. she opens the front for him as he wheels his way through. "thank you, Captain. for being with me today, and talking to me," Adeline looks down at her feet. "you're a good kid, Adeline. one of the few that don't piss me off as much as the others. eventually that kid is going to have to grow up," he says before waving and closing his door.

a slave to freedom (Eren Yeager x OC female)Where stories live. Discover now