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"Eren, are you sure you're okay?" she questions, panicking a little, unsure of what to do. he smiles, giving a small nod. her heart pounded so hard and so loud she could feel it in her head. "where did this come from. it's so sudden," she spoke quickly, looking down at her legs, playing with the ends of her hair nervously. "i told you, it's been 3 years, almost," he doesn't take his eyes off her. she looks back at him, "i started liking you 3 years ago, i started loving you a year and a half ago," he spoke sternly, confident in his words. she, on the other hand, was at a lost for words. "you asked if i still loved her... i don't. not like that anyway," he says, dropping his hand from her chin. her eyes glistened over. she leapt into his arms, he fell back a little, catching himself with one arm, holding onto her with the other. she looked at him for a moment before pressing her lips against his.

*** Eren's P.O.V *** 8 YEARS AGO...

everything was going just as planned. it had only been 4 days since the walls fell and the march commenced. his friends trying to stop them with everything they had. it was almost poetic, watching his fellow Paradis friends teaming up with the ones who changed their lives forever. and here he was, in the mouth of the Doomsday Titan. come on, Mikasa... his mouth had fallen open, he looks up, seeing Mikasa screaming as she came at him, he closed his eye. and then.... nothing. he opens his eyes again, she stood in front of him. "Eren," she says, tears falling down her face. "please... end this... come home," she steps forward. but before she could get too close, before she could change her mind, he had already released steam and killed her, setting her ablaze. she died quietly, no screaming, just looking at him as her tears dried up in the heat. that's when he was forced out of his hiding. what the hell is happening?  he thinks, pulling himself out and getting to his feet. his titan was disintegrating. he grabbed Mikasa's body, jumping out from the mouth, taking cover. there was an essence of sorts from the founder titan that started rampaging around, trying to find a new host. "what's happening?" Eren frantically looks around before staring down at Mikasa's body. his eyes widening at the sight of her. "shit shit shit!" he says quietly. everyone else had already charged towards the essence, trying to put an end to it's outbreak. which he assumed everyone had succeeded in doing as he saw Armin approaching him. he didn't pay much attention as he continued looking at Mikasa, sobbing. "no. please. NO! COME ON! DON'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS!" his voice choked, "MIKASAAAAAA!!!!!" he screamed out. before he knew it he was being knocked to the floor. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" the blonde boy shouted, hitting him one after another. "YOU KILLED HER! SHE'S DEAD NOW!" he screamed, standing up, kicking Eren in his side as much as he could, sobbing himself. Eren just laid there, knowing he deserved. Armin has every right to feel this way. Eren hoped to God that he would die from the beat up. Armin went on kicking and punching for a few more minutes, screaming curses at him. once he was tired out, he picked up Mikasa's body and walked off. leaving Eren there a bloody pulp.


she pulled away from his lips. "you shouldn't have had to go through that on your own and i'm sorry we couldn't do more to help," she says, wiping the tears from his cheeks, he started crying again. he shakes his head, "it's nothing you should be sorry for. i'm the one who made the choice. this is my burden to carry, no one else's," he says, pulling her into a tight hug. "thank you, for always being there," he whispers, they could feel each others hearts pounding against the others chest.

the following morning, Eren had woken up before her, looking at her face as he recalled last night. his phone suddenly rings, he picks it up quickly, "Armin?!" Eren speaks into the phone. "surprised to hear me?" he laughs on the other side. "i just got back early this morning, come for breakfast and stop at El's to bring her too. i have a surprise for her!" Armin ends the call. Eren looks back at Adeline's sleeping face before gently waking her up. she groans a little, shifting to her side, grabbing hold of Eren's arm and hugging it. he pushed her hair out of her face, smiling sweetly. "wake up, Princess. Armin just got back," to that she shot straight up. "ARMIN'S BACK?!" she shouts as if she wasn't sleeping just 2 second prior. she jumps out of bed to get ready, Eren slowly following behind her laughing.

the two of them entered the dining hall, hand in hand. their table of friends look over at them, the only person missing was Annie who most likely stayed behind to spend time with her family. Jean whistled, Connie standing up and shouting, "WELL I'LL BE DAMNED!" he yells, gaining the attention of everyone else in the hall. thankfully it wasn't too packed right now. "Eren Yeager and Adeline Diericht! when did this happen?!" Piek says almost shocked. Adeline blushed slightly. they sat down, Eren taking the seat Annie would usually sit in. "oh i have to tell Annie about this!" Armin says, taking his phone out to take a picture. Adeline put her face in her hands, blushing profusely while Eren kissed the top of her head. "when did this happen?!" Connie asked, everyone else in the hall now taking glances. "last night," Adeline mumbled, playing with her hair. "so you finally told him?" Armin says, ignoring Eren's shocked expression. she nodded slightly. "finally?" Eren questions, looking between Armin and Adeline. Armin looks at him, blinking blankly. "she's liked you since she joined the scouts, Eren," Armin drops the information so casually, as he continued to eat. "ARMIN!!! he didn't have to know that!" Adeline panics, her face redder than ever. Armin just waves his hand at her, brushing her comment off. "that was like... 10 years ago?" Eren says, shooting his head to Adeline who now had her cold hands on her face to help with the burning feeling of her cheeks. "yeah, well. for starters you're not really the brightest when it comes to picking up hints," Jean starts, jabbing his fork in Eren's direction. "i take hints!" Eren says defensively, everyone else say no in unison, including Adeline. "besides, it doesn't matter. you loved Mikasa at the time, and you know... the whole titans roaming around thing. can't blame you for not really picking up the signs," Connie shrugs.

having finished eating, Adeline and Eren headed out, deciding to go pay Mikasa a visit. reaching the top, Mikasa's scarf was still wrapped around the tree. "good morning, Mikasa!" Adeline says cheerily, touching the scarf. Eren sits down near the headstone, leaning against the tree, pulling Adeline down with him. she rested her head on his shoulder. "i hope she's happy," Adeline says quietly, running her fingers through the grass. "she is," Eren says, looking up at the sky. Adeline just nods, taking his word as it brought comfort. "i love you, Eren Yeager," Adeline says, looking up at him. he places his hand on her cheek, rubbing it gently with his thumb before leaning down and kissing her.

a slave to freedom (Eren Yeager x OC female)Where stories live. Discover now