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*** Eren's P.O.V ***

His eyes flutter open slightly, looking to his left as his eyes adjusts to the light in the room. when did i get up here? his eyes focus in on Adeline's face, who was still sleeping. Eren tried to think back, but failed to recall anything after he had dozed off. one thing he did know was that was the best sleep he'd had in years. "mm," Adeline says, shuffling a little in her sleep. Eren stares at her, recalling their conversation. his eyes fixated so intently on her. he wondered if he looked that peaceful when he slept. i doubt it.. he trailed his eyes from her dark brown hair down to her chin. i wonder what she's dreaming about... "Eren..." she mumbles, it was then he realized her eyes had opened. "staring is rude, Yeager," she says, sleep in her voice. "sorry," he says quickly looking away, rolling onto his back to look at the ceiling. she sits up, her hair a bit messy, yawning as she stretches. "if you're wondering how you got here, i dragged you up," she says, dropping her arms onto the bed, turning her head to look at him. "you didn't look comfortable on that thing, Yeager. you were balled up, and i worried you'd get a bad cramp or something," she ruffles his hair, making it messier than it already had been. he stared up at her, thankful for her always being so thoughtful of him, even before everything that happened. aside from Armin and Mikasa, Adeline was the only other person to immediately accept him as he was, always. whether he changed or not, she had always been there since they met. the same as Mikasa and Armin. "thank you," he says before he realizes. she looks down at him, tilting her head slightly to the side. "i didn't do anything to warrant a thanks, Yeager," she laughs a little. "i meant.. thank you for letting me stay here," her smiled fades. "i said i didn't do anything to warrant a thanks, Eren. you're welcomed her just as much as Annie and Armin. no thanks needed. my doors will always be open for you," she says before climbing out of bed. she hadn't taken notice of the light pink tint that had started creeping across his face.

a few more minutes of laying in bed, Eren finally gets up, heading downstairs where he heard Adeline cooking something, or so he assumed by the sound of clattering pans and closing cabinets he heard in the distance. he turned the corner, making his way to the kitchen to find her on her own. "Armin and Annie had already left. can't really say i'm shocked, it's 4 in the afternoon," Adeline smiles to the man who just walked in. "that being said, what do you want for your first meal of the day? i can do anything! breakfast, lunch, dinner! you name it," she leans forward, putting her face in the palm of her hands. "oh, i don't know. i'm fine with whatever," Eren says with a shrug, taking a seat on the bar stool. 

*** Adeline's P.O.V ***

she watched him sit, a pout appearing on her lips. "come on, Eren. you know i'm not decisive with these things," she says, standing up straight. Eren looks at her, thinking for a moment in silence. she examined his face, her eyes eventually trailing to his hair, the way it sat just above his shoulders, messy and unbrushed. "chicken parmesan with rice?" he asks, getting an affirmative nod from her. she begins to dig through her pantry and fridge in search of all the things she needed. "ah, nuts," her disappointment clear, making eren look up from his phone. "what's wrong?" Eren asks, earnestly. "i need to go to the store to get some stuff," she says, turning to look at him. "do you want to come with?" she offers, hopefully. he ponders a moment before nodding slightly. "sure," he verbally gives his answer. "oh, wow! eren yeager, i think that's the first time you said something other than 'i don't know' in a while!" Adeline spoke proudly, walking around the island and patting him on the shoulder. Eren's cheeks flush pink once again, not realizing he had been saying 'i don't know' to nearly every question he's been asked when it came to going out. 

arriving at the store, Adeline hands Eren the list, "you'll be in charge of telling me what i need!" she says cheerily. he blinks at her, taking the list from her hands, staring at what was written on it. "you need a lot of things," he says, reading down the list. "yeah, i didn't realize i was low on so much," she gives an embarrassed laugh, rubbing the back of her head. she steps out of the car, adjusting the black skirt she had been wearing, paired with some combat boots, and a short sleeved, black crop top. she wore a silver necklace Eren had gifted her for her birthday just the year prior, a bird and leaf charm dangling from it. half of her hair had been tied up, with a white bow in her ponytail, two strands of hair dangling in front of her face. Eren on the other hand had only worn a light tan t-shirt with a pair of black joggers and the all black shoes he had arrived in. Adeline had always kept extra clothes for Eren and Armin just incase they stayed the night unexpectedly; which to her surprise it had happened more often than she originally thought.

a slave to freedom (Eren Yeager x OC female)Where stories live. Discover now