-Another Eligibility Passed-

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A/N: "I Get To Love You" Ruelle

Dex's POV: 

I woke up that morning with a sense of anticipation tingling through my veins. Today was the day we would receive the results of our eligibility test. Marella and I had been through it all together – the endless assessments, the hours of interviews, the grueling tests of compatibility. We had poured our hearts and souls into this process, hoping for a chance to be matched with our soulmates. And now, the moment of truth had arrived.

My parents told me the letter as finally come.

As I made my way down the stairs, my heart pounded with nervous excitement. I couldn't imagine a life without Marella by my side, and the thought of being matched with anyone else sent shivers down my spine. With trembling hands, I picked up the envelope and tore it open, scanning the words that would determine the course of my future.

"Congratulations, Dex!" The words seemed to jump off the page, causing my heart to soar. I passed the eligibility test. Marella and I were meant for each other, destined to be together.

Anticipation gnawed at me as I hurried to Marella's house. As her home came into view, I found her waiting by the door, clutching her envelope with a mix of anxiety and hope in her eyes. Our gazes locked, and without needing any words, we understood. We knew that our destinies were intertwined, that we were made for each other.

The moment our eyes met; tears of joy streamed down our faces. We embraced tightly, unable to contain our happiness. It felt like an entire lifetime had led us to this point – to the confirmation that our love was not only real but meant to be. In that moment, all the worries, doubts, and uncertainties evaporated, leaving only joy and clarity in their wake.

We sat on the porch, holding hands and relishing the beauty of the moment. The sun bathed us in golden light, casting a warm glow over our intertwined fingers. Words failed to express the depth of emotion we felt, so we simply gazed into each other's eyes, knowing that our connection was something unique and extraordinary.

"I can't believe it," Marella murmured, her voice filled with gratitude. "We're going to build a life together, filled with love and happiness."

"I've never been sure of anything," I replied, a smile playing at the corners of my lips. "I can't wait to wake up every morning and see your face, to share our dreams and make new memories together."

I turn to gaze at Marella, my heart bursting with a love that words cannot express. "Thank you," I whisper, my voice filled with admiration. "Thank you for choosing me, and for being the most incredible partner I could have ever asked for."

With a smile that reaches her eyes, she reaches out to hold my hand. "No, Dex," she says, her voice filled with love. "Thank you for always being there for me, for loving me unconditionally. Our love story is the greatest gift I could have ever received."

But there was a dilemma. Should we tell our friends about our newfound compatibility? After a serious debate, we decided it would be best to wait. We wanted to surprise them when the time was right. Besides, Sophie and Fitz were still waiting for their letters. It wouldn't be fair to steal their thunder. Also, we didn't want to share our happiness right when they get disappointed it didn't work out for them, if that is the case. Also, we kind of wanted to keep this to ourselves for a little bit anyways, we wanted to have our moment of celebration alone.

As we have talked with Biana, we are concerned about how it will turn out. We all think it's not going to end like they hoped it would.

Time seemed to stand still as we looked up at each other, our eyes shining with a newfound understanding. A rush of emotions overwhelmed me, and before I knew it, my lips were on hers, sealing our fate with an undeniable connection. And in that moment, I knew that I am the luckiest person alive, having found the perfect match in Marella.

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