-In Love With You-

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A/N: "Best Day of My Life" American Authors

Sophie's POV:

As I stared at myself in the mirror that morning, the anxiety crept in like an unwelcome guest. My heart pounded in my chest, a constant reminder of the tangled mess of emotions swirling within me. Keefe. The mere thought of him caused a rush of conflicting feelings to bombard my mind.

Keefe was more than just a friend. As an empath, he could sense my emotions, my deepest thoughts laid bare before him whether I chose to share them or not. Would he know? Could he feel the love that had taken root in my heart, blossoming without my permission?

Oh yeah, he totally could. But with how nervous I'm feeling right now. I think this may overpower it anyways. That doesn't make it less terrifying though.

Love had bloomed quietly in my heart for him, feelings I had been trying to hide even from myself. Now it threatened to burst forth uncontrollably. I had spent most of last night pondering over the nature of my new emotion toward him. Today I knew I needed to address them. The only thing I was worried about was Keefe instantly knowing what I was feeling inside my heart, mostly worried about what he'd think. 

Arriving at Foxfire, and taking a deep breath, I tried to push aside my intricate web of emotions tangled within me. But the grandeur of the Elvin school did little to soothe my nerves.  I spotted Biana in the bustling corridors and immediately made my way towards her, I needed to confide in someone, someone who could understand my conflicted feelings. Biana, with her warm smile and understanding eyes, was the perfect confidante. intricate web of emotions tangled within me.

I hurried over to her side, the words tumbling out before I could second-guess myself.

"Biana, can we talk?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly.

Biana turned; her teal-blue eyes wide with curiosity. "Of course, Sophie. What's on your mind?"

I hesitated, unsure of where to begin. How could I possibly articulate the whirlwind of emotions that threatened to consume me? Finally, gathering my courage, I spoke. I took a deep breath and said, "I think I... I think I might have feelings for Keefe." I admitted, the weight of my confession hanging heavy in the air.

Biana's eyes widened in surprise, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "FINALLY! It's about time you realized you had feelings for him."

Her words hit me like a wave, both comforting and unsettling in their truth. Biana had always been able to see through my walls, to discern the desires I dared not voice out loud.

I blinked, taken aback by her reaction. "Wait, you knew?" I asked, my heart racing with a mix of relief and uncertainty.

Biana chuckled, shaking her head. "It was kind of obvious, Sophie. I mean, the way you look at him when you think no one's watching – it's written all over your face. It was only a matter of time before you figured it out yourself."

I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks, embarrassed yet relieved that my feelings were no longer a secret. But with this newfound awareness came a whirlwind of emotions – hope, fear, excitement, and doubt all tangled together in a messy knot inside me.

Throughout the day, my mind kept circling back to Keefe, to the way he made me laugh, the way he challenged me, the way he understood me like no one else did. And as I caught glimpses of his mischievous smile or heard the lilt of his voice in the crowded hallways, I couldn't help but wonder if there was a chance for us beyond friendship.

But as the final bell rang, signaling the end of another day at Foxfire, I found myself hesitating. What if Keefe didn't feel the same way? What if our friendship was at stake? The fear of rejection gnawed at me, threatening to hold me back from taking that leap of faith.

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