-Dreams of Golden Flecks-

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A/N: Same dream as Sophie's. Except in Keefe's POV and an added extra scene that wasn't in Sophies dream. :D

Keefe's POV: 

In the midst of the sprawling meadow, the gentle rustle of the breeze orchestrated a symphony of tranquility. It was in this ethereal oasis that I found myself waking, the vibrant colors of the flowers and the distant hum of nature enveloping my senses. But as I turned, my eyes fell upon a sight more captivating than the beauty of the meadow itself – Sophie Foster, resting peacefully beneath the azure sky, her chest rising and falling in a rhythm only nature could command.

With each step closer to her, the world seemed to slow, a hush descending over the meadow as I beheld her serene countenance. Her eyes, those enchanting brown pools flecked with shimmering gold, held a depth that stirred something profound within me. As if drawn by an invisible thread, I moved towards her, my gaze fixed solely on hers, captivated by the essence of her being.

When I finally stood before her, I gathered her fragile form into my arms, a tender longing gripping my heart. I pressed a soft kiss against her cheek, then her forehead, savoring the warmth of her presence. With a breath as gentle as a sigh, I whispered, "Foster," my voice a delicate caress against her ear. "You are the epitome of beauty, both inside and out. In your light, my world finds its brilliance, in your love, my heart finds its solace."

In that suspended moment, time itself seemed to bow before the intensity of my feelings. And then, with a courage born of the deepest affection, I uttered those sacred words that had bloomed within me like a promise unspoken for too long. "I love you, Foster," the confession slipped from my lips, a declaration of devotion that transcended the boundaries of dreams.

"You are my light and my everything."

In the wake of those words, a cascade of emotions washed over me, a tapestry of hope and vulnerability unfurling in the meadow's embrace. I watched as Sophie's features softened, her eyes reflecting the same burgeoning sentiment that flourished within my soul. In that exchange, our hearts found a resonance, a synchronicity that whispered of destinies intertwined.

As the dream wove its spell around us, we stood in silent communion, the meadow a sanctuary for our unspoken truths. And in the echo of that sacred moment, I knew with unwavering certainty that Sophie Foster was not only the light that illuminated my path but the anchor that tethered my wayward heart to the shores of love

The meadow bore witness to our silent confession, a testament to the power of dreams and the unyielding force of a love that defied even the barriers of reality. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over our shared sanctuary, I held onto Sophie, my everything, with a fervor that no dream could ever contain.

As I gazed into her mesmerizing eyes, I felt a surge of courage and love swelling within me. I reached out my hand, and she took it, her touch sending shivers down my spine. And then, as if drawn together by an invisible force, our lips met in a gentle, tender kiss.

In that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still. It was as if the entire universe paused to witness the love that bloomed between us. The kiss was filled with a sweetness that seemed to defy reality, a magic that transcended all boundaries.

As we pulled away, I saw a new light in Sophie's eyes, a light that mirrored the joy and wonder I felt within. We stood there, lost in each other's gaze, the world around us fading into the background. And in that moment, I knew that I had found something truly special, something worth fighting for.

But as quickly as the dream had come, it began to fade away, slipping through my fingers like a wisp of smoke. I reached out for Sophie, desperate to hold onto her, to keep her with me forever. But she slipped away, her form dissolving into the shadows of the dream world.

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