-An Anticipating Wait-

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A/N: "Counting Stars" One Republic (I like this song.)

Sophie's POV: 

Sitting side by side on a moss-covered log near the shimmering pond at Everglen, Fitz and I exchanged worried glances. The anticipation that had filled our hearts for the past two weeks had slowly transformed into anxiety. The letter, the one that was supposed to confirm that we were destined for each other, hadn't arrived on time.

"What if something's wrong?" Fitz's voice wavered, betraying his growing unease.

I sighed; my own heart heavy with doubt. "I don't know, Fitz. We've been waiting for this moment for so long, and now... it feels like we've done something to jeopardize it."

"It's strange, isn't it?" I sighed, twirling a lock of my golden hair nervously. "Everyone else seems to have received their letters. Dex and Marella have theirs, and even Biana and Tam got theirs. Why haven't we received ours yet?"

Fitz, his teal eyes filled with concern, took my hand in his. "I don't know, Soph. It's driving me crazy. I thought maybe it got lost or something, but now I'm not so sure. What if there's something wrong with our eligibility test?"

The minutes ticked by each second weighing on us like an anchor. Doubts crept into our minds, clouding our vision of the future we had envisioned together. We doubted our actions, our words, and even our feelings for one another. It seemed inconceivable that after all the moments we had shared, all the laughter and tears, we might not be a perfect match.

The two-week deadline has passed without any sign of the letter. Fitz and I are growing concerned that we haven't received it. They are usually reliable and strict with their deadlines, but in our case, it seems to be different. We are wondering if we did something wrong. Our forms had sent it off to the matchmakers with high hopes, eagerly awaiting our results. But now, with each passing day, our anxiety grew.

I'm starting to have doubts again. I'm seriously second-guessing my decision. Maybe this is a sign that I shouldn't be with Fitz. It's probably telling me that being with him and having a life together is a bad idea. I'm starting to wonder why I did this. Is this what I really want? Right now, my feelings are telling me no. I'm starting to regret my choice.

As I fiddle with the hem of my uniform, doubts start to creep into my mind. What if the Council made a mistake? What if Fitz and I aren't meant to be together? My heart sinks, and I can feel a heaviness settle in my chest. Deep down, I know our connection is strong, but the uncertainty gnaws at me. I mean did we make a mistake? Did I make a mistake in choosing Fitz? Cause I am starting to think that I made a huge mistake.

"Do you want to talk to our friends about it? See if they have any ideas?" I suggest him hopefully. "Yeah, that might be a good idea. Come on let's go get Biana's help to invite them." Fitz says standing up and stretching a handout to me. I took it and he helped me up.

We walked into the house together and asked Biana for her help in inviting our friends. Soon Tam and Linh arrived along with Dex and Marella and trailing behind them was Keefe.

"Guys. We are concerned why our letter hasn't arrived on time." I tell them about our dilemma.

Dex's keen eyes met mine, filled with a mixture of empathy and understanding. "Sometimes, the system experiences delay due to unforeseen circumstances. It doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong."

Marella nodded in agreement, her soothing presence offering a shield against my escalating fears. "The council members have a lot on their plate. It's possible they haven't had a chance to send out all the letters yet." Keefe, always the prankster, grinned mischievously. "Or maybe I accidentally set the letters on fire while pranking Ro." I chuckled; Oh, I love his silly remarks. They always helped to lighten my mood at times. Especially at a time like this.

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