-Normal-ish Day of School-

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Sophie's POV: 

Waking up the next morning for school was ruff. I literally dragged myself out of my soft warm and comfy cozy bed. It's the worst thing ever, like it's too comfortable to leave and whatever event you have the next morning ruins it. Well, if it's something you dread of course, if it's something you're excited about that's a different story.

Setting foot on Foxfires grounds after the breakup felt significantly different. Instead of looking forward to seeing Fitz, I dreaded and feared it at the same time. I felt somewhat defeated in a way. For one thing I hope I don't run into Fitz today. Don't think I can handle facing him after his hurtful words, and for breaking my heart.

The corridors of Foxfire were bustling with activity, but I felt like a ghost, moving through the throngs of students without really being present. My mind was a maze of conflicting emotions, memories of happier times with Fitz clashing with the hurtful words he had thrown at me in the heat of his anger. It was one of the worst experiences I have ever had. I don't want to suffer through that again.

I found myself in my Elementalism session, surrounded by my classmates and some friends, yet I felt so utterly alone. The familiar hum of magic filled the air as we practiced bottling up things, but my mind was elsewhere, lost in a whirlwind of regret and sorrow. Not focusing on the lesson given, I didn't put much effort into trying anyway.

After the session, as I made my way to lunch, I caught sight of Fitz talking with his friends. The sight of him sent a fresh wave of pain crashing over me, and I hurried past, not wanting to face him and the hurt that still lingered between us. I was thankful I didn't have Telepathy today. Probably wouldn't have handled it very well. This is a moment in time where I dislike having it with Fitz.

During lunch, I sought solace in the peaceful gardens of Foxfire, the scent of flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves calming my frazzled nerves. I sat on a stone bench, lost in my thoughts, when a familiar voice brought me back to reality.

As I sat in the serene gardens of Foxfire, the sunlight glinting off the crystal flowers and casting a warm glow around me, I couldn't shake the heavy weight of sorrow that clung to my heart. The recent breakup with Fitz still stung, his hurtful words echoing in my mind like shards of ice. Alone with my thoughts, I felt lost in a storm of emotions, seeking solace in the peaceful sanctuary of nature.

The soft rustle of footsteps interrupted my reverie, and I looked up to see Keefe approaching. His easy smile and mischievous eyes offered a welcome distraction from my turmoil. As he settled beside me on the bench, I couldn't help but feel a flicker of gratitude for his presence.

"Hey, Foster. Mind if I join you?" Keefe's voice was gentle, his concern evident in the quiet way he spoke.

I turned to him, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Of course, Keefe. I could use the company."

We sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, the fragrant scent of the garden flowers mingling with the crisp air. Keefe glanced at me, his expression thoughtful.

"I'm sorry about what happened Sophie. Breakups aren't isn't easy at all."

"You don't need to be sorry Keefe. You didn't cause it to happen." I told him with tears threatening to fall. "I know that, but I am sorry for you, you shouldn't have had to bear that. Besides it was his fault for hurting you."

His words touched a raw chord within me, and tears welled up in my eyes despite my efforts to hold them back. Keefe's hand reached out, his touch warm and reassuring as he gently squeezed my shoulder.

"It's okay to feel sad, Sophie. Let it out. I'm here for you."

And in that moment, I let go of the walls I had built around my heart, allowing myself to be vulnerable in front of Keefe. I poured out my pain, the hurt and confusion that had been festering within me since the breakup. Keefe listened attentively, offering words of comfort and understanding that eased the ache in my soul.

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