-Some Mistake-

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Sophie's POV: 

I can't believe this is how it ends. There must be some mistakes, right? I always thought Fitz and I were meant to be together, but now it doesn't seem like it's going to happen. When I try to deny that this is true, a feeling inside me tells me that it's the answer to all my doubts. I realize now that Fitz isn't the one for my heart, but someone else is.

I can't accept this idea. My dream was supposed to come true; I was supposed to have a happy life with Fitz, experiencing all that life has to offer. It seems like my dreams are being shattered instead of being fulfilled, or maybe they are being saved for something better. I just don't understand how. Is the universe conspiring against me and Fitz being together? Because I think it is.

I need to find out if there's a mistake and if Fitz and I should be matched. I walked out of my room and headed downstairs to ask Edaline to take me to the Match Office. I need to understand why this is meant to be. I entered the kitchen where she was working on some Mallowmelt.

Facing Edaline, I pleaded, "Hey, can you take me down to the Match office?

Edaline looked at me with concern, her eyes filled with motherly love. "Are you sure you're ready for this, Sophie? It might not be easy to hear." I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. "I have to know, Edaline. I can't just accept this without understanding why."

She squeezed my hand gently, offering me a reassuring smile. "Alright, let's go." She cleans up a little and makes sure to turn off the oven. After she gets ready, we both head down.


I stood before the Match Office, my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn't believe that Fitz and I had failed our match test. It felt as if the ground had been ripped out from under me, leaving me floating in a sea of uncertainty. I needed answers, and I needed them now. The letter explained it fine, but there's something inside me that's unsatisfied with the answers. I needed one of them to explain to me.

I held onto Edaline's hand for comfort, as I could use it right now.

As we entered the Match Office, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mingled with anxiety. The matchmakers were waiting for us, their expressions serious yet kind. Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for whatever they were about to reveal.

"Thank you for coming, we felt you would have wanted more answers" one of the matchmakers said, her voice soothing. "We understand that you're confused and seeking answers. The match test has revealed something important, Sophie. Your heart isn't truly in love with Fitz."

I felt my breath catch in my throat, the words echoing in my mind. How could that be? Fitz and I had shared so many moments together, had grown so close. Was it all a lie? Confusion washed over me as her words sank in. How could I have mistaken one for the other? How could I have been blind to my own heart's true desires? Was it gratitude that kept me bound to him, or was there something deeper? I had a lot to think about.

"It's not that you don't care for him," another matchmaker explained gently. "But your heart has been misplacing gratitude for love. You appreciate Fitz and everything he's done for you, and that has led to a deep connection. But true love requires something more."

Tears welled up in my eyes, my heart aching with confusion and disappointment. "But... what now? What am I supposed to do?"

The matchmakers exchanged glances before one of them spoke. "We want you to take some time to truly explore your own heart, Sophie. Find out who it truly loves. We believe in the power of genuine connections, and it's important for you to discover your own path."

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