-Sophie's Heartbreak-

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A/N: "Stuff We Did" Olga Scheps ("UP") 

Sophie's POV: 

"I feel broken" I whimpered sadly, immediately ending the call. I wasn't sure who I just hailed but something inside my heart told me it was Keefe. Not a hundred percent sure why but I wasn't complaining about it now.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOUR THE REASON WE FAILED! It was your unmatchable thing, wasn't it? I bet it was because you can't do anything right! YOUR A BIG FAILURE!" The hurtful words rang in my ears.

I really can't stand Fitz's anger. It always makes me feel awful, especially when it's aimed at me. He always finds a way to blame me for things that aren't my fault. Part of me is relieved that he ended things, but another part of me is really hurting because of his hurtful words.

Fitz had broken up with me, his words cutting through me like a sharp blade, leaving me feeling shattered and lost. His reason had been blunt and cruel - the matchmakers had discovered that my feelings for him weren't genuine, that I wasn't in love with him. And now, the truth lay bare, exposing my heart's deepest secrets for all to see.

Lying on my bed in tears clutching onto Ella for a small amount of comfort. I lay on my bed, the tears flowing freely, unwelcome visitors streaming down my cheeks. It was supposed to be a day of joy, of anticipation fulfilled, but it had turned into a nightmare. The Eligibility test, the one that was meant to match me with my perfect partner, had resulted in heartbreak instead.

I tried to convince myself that there had been some mistake, some error in the test, a glitch in the system that had led to this devastating outcome. But deep down, I knew that was just a futile attempt to deny the painful reality. The truth always finds its way to the surface, no matter how hard we try to bury it.

As I lay in my room, the walls seemed to close in on me, suffocating me with their silent judgment. Every corner held a memory of Fitz, a reminder of the love that was never truly mine. I felt like a fraud, like I had been living a lie all this time, pretending to be someone I was not, fooling myself into believing that I could force my heart to feel what it did not.

The weight of the truth pressed down on me, a heavy burden that I couldn't shake off. The thought of facing Fitz, of seeing the disappointment in his eyes, was unbearable. How could I explain something I didn't even understand myself? How could I make him see that my lack of love wasn't a choice, but a cruel twist of fate?

I held the crumpled parchment in my shaking hands, the words on it swimming before my tear-filled eyes. The results of the eligibility test were clear, undeniable, and heart-shattering. I had failed. Failed not just the test, but Fitz, our relationship, everything I thought I knew. Reality hit me like a wall, leaving me breathless and broken.

I don't know what I will do now, but one thing I know for sure is that I will never, ever get back together with Fitz. It doesn't work for one, and two, I don't want to suffer through and fear his anger all the time. He has hurt me far too many times. I've forgiven him too easily for those things, but now, he isn't going to get my forgiveness that easily. Not after shattering my heart into a billion pieces.

Our relationship is not working, and it never will. This realization has hit me hard this time, making me briefly believe that it's my fault. Sometimes I hate being myself, with all this heavy pressure. I sometimes wish I could just be an ordinary elf, special in my own way, without all the issues I'm dealing with right now.

When Edaline, my gentle adoptive mother, approached, her warm presence a balm to my shattered spirit. "Sophie," Edaline's voice was soft, carrying the weight of understanding and love. "I'm here for you, dear."

In that moment, her simple words were like a lifeline thrown to me in the raging storm. I turned to her, feeling the walls I had built around me crack, allowing vulnerability to seep through. "I thought... I thought he was the one," my voice trembled, betraying the pain that simmered beneath the surface.

Edaline's eyes held an ocean of empathy as she embraced me, offering comfort in her gentle arms. "Sometimes, dear one, the path we think is right leads us to where we truly belong. Embrace your truth, Sophie. Only then can you find your happiness."

"Can you go make me some Mallowmelt? I could use some right now." I told her sadly. "Yes, Sophie." She says placing a kiss on my forehead. "You just relax honey." She says walking out of the room. Mallowmelt sounded nice after this whole ordeal. Maybe some of its yumminess will help mend a small part of me back together.

I settled back on my bed, tears streaming down once more. I hurt so much I don't know if I could take it. A gentle knock on my bedroom door roused me from my misery. I hesitated, unsure if I had the strength to face another person. I had thought it was Grady but when the door creaked open, and Keefe slipped inside, his presence a warm, comforting presence in the darkness of my despair. Something felt a bit better, now that he was here, but I was still deeply saddened by today's events.

Without a word, he crossed the room and sat down next to me on the bed, pulling me into his arms. I buried my face in his chest, letting out a sob that had been building inside me for days. Keefe didn't say anything, didn't offer empty platitudes. He just held me, his presence a comforting anchor in the storm of my emotions.

For what felt like hours, I wept in Keefe's embrace, my tears soaking his shirt as he held me close, offering silent solace. In that moment, I wasn't Sophie Foster, the prodigious elf with powers beyond imagination. I was just Sophie, a girl in pain, seeking refuge in the arms of a friend.

Keefe always had the warmest and most comforting hugs. I always felt safest with him. Finally, when my sobs had subsided to quiet sniffles, I pulled away slightly, looking up at him through blurry eyes. His gaze was steady, unwavering, and filled with an understanding that I couldn't quite fathom.

"Thank you," I whispered, my voice barely above a whisper.

Keefe's lips curved into a small smile. "Anytime, Foster. You don't have to face this alone. You deserve better, you know that, right?"

I nodded, tears threatening to spill over. "I thought he was the one... I was so sure..."

Keefe placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Sometimes things don't go as planned, Foster. But that doesn't mean it's the end of the world. You're strong, and you'll get through this."

His words were like a lifeline, pulling me out of the darkness that threatened to consume me. I wiped away a tear, taking a deep breath. "Thanks, Keefe. I don't know what I would do without you." He grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, you'd probably be a lot more bored, that's for sure."

I couldn't help but chuckle, the tension slowly dissipating. I mean he does have a point there. Life would be incredibly boring without Keefe. He always knows how to make me smile. Keefe had a way of making me forget my troubles, if only for a moment. And in that moment, I was grateful for his friendship more than ever.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over Havenfield, Keefe stood up, offering me his hand. "Come on, Foster. Let's go for a walk. Clear our heads a bit." I hesitated for a moment, but then I took his hand, letting him pull me up. Together hand in hand we walked outside to enjoy the fresh air.

This was the beginning of the healing of my broken heart. I couldn't imagine anyone better to stand by my side at this moment. I always knew why I liked telling Keefe these types of things. He always knew how to comfort me and help bring a smile back on my face.  


*AHHHH! I loved writing the Sokeefe!* 

"And I see your true colors, shining through. I see your true colors, and that's why I love you. So don't be afraid to let them show. Your true colors, true colors are beautiful. I see your true colors, shining through (True colors) I see your true colors, and that's why I love you. So, don't be afraid to let them show. Your true colors, true colors are beautiful. Like a rainbow, ohh, ohh, ohh like a rainbow." (True Colors-Trolls)

Keep Being Cool


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