-A Feeling in My Heart-

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Keefe's POV: 

I sat in my room at Chandleshade, lost in my thoughts, when a knock on the door interrupted my musings. It was Ro, my bodyguard and a close friend of mine. Her usually stern face seemed more serious than ever as she handed me a neatly folded letter.

"This came for you, Hunkyhair," she said, her voice tinged with concern. "It's from the Matchmakers. They said it's urgent."

"Do you know what they want?" I asked her curiously. Ro smirked. "Maybe they want you to break them up so you can swoop in and steal Blondie's heart."

I took the letter from Ro's outstretched hand, my heart pounding with curiosity and a hint of trepidation. The Matchmakers didn't usually contact me directly, especially not with such urgency. I quickly unfolded the piece of paper and began to read.

Dear Mr. Keefe Sencen,

We request your immediate presence to discuss an important matter concerning Miss Sophie Foster and Mr. Fitzroy Vacker. The results of their compatibility test have revealed an unexpected outcome. It is of utmost importance that you meet with us as soon as possible to address this situation.


The Matchmakers

My mind raced with possibilities as I absorbed the message. What could be so urgent that the Matchmakers needed my input? Sophie and Fitz, the golden couple, were supposed to be perfect for each other. They were destined for greatness together, or so I had always believed. But now, everything seemed uncertain.

Ro's eyes darted between me and the letter in my hand. "Well, what does it say?" she prompted, her voice brimming with anticipation.

"It says I need to meet with the Matchmakers," I replied, my voice tinged with unease. Ro sighed dramatically. "Oh no, what did those sneaky matchmakers discover this time? I bet they finally realized that Blondie and Fitz are nowhere near as compatible as you and her. It's about time!"

Her words hit a nerve, sparking a flicker of hope that I had been suppressing for far too long. Sophie and I had always shared a deep connection, a bond that transcended friendship. But lately, it seemed like she was drifting away, leaning more towards Fitz. The prospect of finally having that connection acknowledged by the Matchmakers both thrilled and terrified me.

I looked up at Ro, my voice barely more than a whisper. "It's about Sophie and Fitz," I said, my voice thick with concern. "They did a test to see if they're compatible, and... they discovered something." My mind spun with possibilities, fear and anxiety clawing at me.

Ro's eyes narrowed, her expression twisting into a scowl. "That's just perfect," she muttered, a tinge of bitterness seeping into her words. "Those two are a disaster waiting to happen. They have no idea what real love is." She paused, a flicker of sadness crossing her face before she continued. "You and Blondie, Keefe. You're the ones who are truly meant for each other."

I couldn't help but feel a tug at my heartstrings. Ro had always been incredibly perceptive, and her insight never failed to cut through the confusion clouding my mind. Deep down, I had always believed that Sophie and I were kindred spirits, but the constant presence of Fitz had always muddled my thoughts.

"You know, you're not the only one who thinks they're destined to be together," Ro continued, her voice laced with annoyance. "I've seen the way they look at each other, and honestly, it makes me sick. Fitz doesn't deserve Sophie. You do."

I swallowed hard, my heart pounding in my chest. What if Ro was right? What if the Matchmakers had finally seen what I had known all along? The thought sent a jolt of excitement through me, mingled with a tinge of fear. What if they had discovered something that could tear Sophie and me apart instead?

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