Seventeen-Year-Old Secret

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Carson's P.O.V.

       Sitting in the stuffy office I listen to my mother's incessant yapping. Looking between her and the man, I try my hardest to keep my face neutral. Eyeing the file on the desk between them I can't help but wonder what strings she had to pull with Director Strauss for this to happen. I guess anything to get rid of me. Maybe if she put as much effort into being a mother as she did into hiding my existence things would be different. Inhaling and exhaling through my nose I try to keep my emotions in check. I don't want to be here, I don't want to be on this team, and I especially don't want to meet my sister. It's been seventeen years and she doesn't know who I am why would she care now?

       Crossing my legs, I stare at my shoes wishing Dad were still alive. It's only been four months and she just wants me to move on. She wants me to save face because I carry the Prentiss last name but why should it matter, I'm not even a person to the public I'm barely a person to her. Dad was the one who raised me at least when he was home. He cared though and actually loved me... her not so much. "I'm going to call Emily and have her come up. I don't think dropping this on her in front of the team is the best idea." Mother agrees and he picks up the landline next to his computer.

       Looking at the woman in front of me I try to find something redeemable, but I simply can't. She never wanted me, and she's made that very clear. You would think after her oldest daughter cut her completely out of her life for many years, she'd tried to do better but nope not Ambassador Prentiss. I listen to him tell Emily to come up and resentment threatens to boil over. As he sits the phone down mine goes off in my pocket. Fishing it out I see it's Amanda updating me on the current investigation. "Sorry about that I'm working on an active case." He nods and I send her a quick text back returning it to its place.

       There's a light knock on the door and she pushes it open stalling as she sees who's in the room. The three of us stand and her boss steps around his desk slightly. "Mother?" Closing the door behind her she keeps her distance.

       Looking at her she looks just like mom, but I can't really hold that against her because I do too. With the raven black straight hair and the pale skin, we all look like copies of one another. "Hello darling it's always a pleasure to see you." She gives her a tight-lipped smile eyeing me. "I know you guys are very busy, but I wanted to introduce you to your sister Carson Prentiss she'll be joining your team." Her eyebrows shoot up and her jaw drops open.

       Agent Hotchner takes another step forward ready to mediate the situation. "What do you mean my sister!? When did you have another kid!? Why didn't you tell me!?" Her voice is slightly raised but I mean given the situation, that's totally understandable.

       Taking a step towards our mom Hotch steps between them. "It was the same year you graduated college by then you had completely cut me out of your life. I sent her to live with her father anyway, so it wasn't important enough to tell you about." That hit me square in the chest. She didn't think I was important enough to tell my own sister about me.

       After hearing that I put more space between up shaking my head. "You didn't think you having another kid was important enough to tell me about. God, you really are delusional, aren't you? The last two years of my life put everyone around me in danger. I had to die, Mother! What if they would have gone after her? I couldn't have protected her, I didn't even know she existed!" She's seething at this point and God does she deserve every opportunity to take the piss out of our mother.

       "You will not speak to me that way!" She looks at her bewildered and I just scoff. "No one knew she existed I went to great lengths to make sure of it. Besides I've had her going from one undercover case to the next for the last three years straight because I couldn't have her around. Not everything's is about you Emily." I don't know how much Hotchner knew but even that was a shock to him.

       The room falls silent, and I cross my arms over my body trying to shield myself in a way. I already knew she didn't want anything to do with me but hearing her say it still hurts. Emily opens the door pointing out. "Leave before I lose my badge." Mother complies stepping around her and out the door.

       As she crosses the threshold my sister goes to shut the door, but she stops her putting up her hand. "Just watch out for her you're all she has." With one final look, she turns and heads down the steps.

       The door gets slammed shut startling the people in the room and from what I can see through the blinds the people below too. "Did she just...?" She trails off leaning her head against the flat surface.

       "Abandon her youngest daughter...? Yeah, I think she just did." He looks between us not really sure what to do.

       Sighing I move forward towards the two of them. "Don't worry about it or me for that matter it's not the first time but it will certainly be the last." They both turn to face me. "I'm sorry she's done this to you. You don't deserve this and neither does your team. I promise you I tried to stop it I did everything I possibly could but with my dad being dead she now has total control." The way she looks at me makes me feel like I've said something wrong.

       "What!? Why are you sorry? You're what like seventeen you're only a child! She should have been a mother. She should have protected you not thrown you into the field! Ugh, that woman, that fucking woman! The only things she has ever cared about was herself and that damn title." Her fists clench open and shut as she basically yells. After a moment she calms down realizing where she is. "I'm sorry Hotch I just..." She looks at him and he waves her off.

       "From what I just seen and heard I completely understand. Please take a seat ladies." He gestures towards the chairs, and we all sit down. "I know this is a lot and I completely understand if you need a couple of days to process it all. I do want you to know though that her sister is one very capable agent. She has all of her certifications and they're all up to date. Her credential list nearly matches my own. She's cross-trained by three different agencies including the FBI, Interpol, and the CIA. She has also been through both the police academy and the FBI academy. Her repertoire includes some highly notable and high-profile takedowns including the Rahil sex ring one of the largest sex trafficking rings to date. Strauss okayed this because of her experience not her last name." She picks at her nails as he talks.

       When he's finished speaking, he watches her face trying to see where her head is at. "I mean that's impressive but where do we go from here? She didn't even have the decency to tell me. I would have raised her if she was such an issue for her. How could she take being able to have a child for granted?" The last part comes out quiet and tears weld up in her eyes.

       The way Hotchner looks at her there has to be something that's happened. "Look Emily I know it's hard to understand but your mother, she did something, and just... just take a look." He pulls a piece of paper out of the file and hands it over to her.

       She reads it and her hands begin to shake. "S-she left her in my custody?" He nods as she looks up.

       "She did. Carson just turned seventeen two days ago meaning you're her legal guardian for the next year." She looks between the piece of paper and me.

       "Can we have a minute?" She wipes at her face, and he stands telling her he's going to go get a cup of coffee. 

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