Three Weeks Later...

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       Fixing my bag on my shoulder I look up at the apartment building in front of me. It reminds me a lot of the flats I'd stay in when I traveled with Elizabeth. She never stayed there usually it was just me and the nanny or me and Dad. Pushing open the door I look around the lobby for Emily. "If you're looking for Ms. Prentiss, she told me to tell you to go ahead and head up she had to step out. The top floor is hers you'll need this to get the elevator there." Round the main desk she comes over handing me a card key.

       It's the weekend so she didn't have to work today. That's the whole reason I decided to officially move in today. My stuff got delivered last week but I was finishing up closing the deal on the house. I got more for it than we had paid for it. I thank the woman heading upstairs. There's a box on the wall and I scan my key hitting the button for the penthouse or whatever they call it here in Virginia.

       Stepping off the elevator it's dark. Huffing I reach out looking for a light switch, so I don't run into anything or worse hit my ass. Finally finding it I flip it on. "Welcome Home!" Screaming I nearly jump out of my skin.

       Grabbing my chest, the whole team is there. "Holy Jesus fucking Christ!" Trying to breathe again my sister walks over giving me a hug. "Thank you guys seriously, just give me a minute to pull my heart back up out of my ass." Punching her arm, they all laugh. Joining them at the table where the food is I'm handed a wine glass. I'm home, finally truly home. 

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