A Bad Arm and A Bad Man

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       I must end up passing out as when I wake up it's to other people moving around me. Opening my eyes, it's bright which means I'm not in my room. I go to roll over forgetting about my arm. I am quickly reminded as practically scream out. "Hey, it's okay take it easy." JJ appears in front of me helping me sit up.

       Looking around I realize I'm in their room. My sister's clothes from the last couple of days are strewn around the room. Shuddering I know what they've done in this bed. "Where's sissy?" I wasn't fully awake until that moment. "I-I mean Emily?" She smiles and I groan. "I swear to God---" I don't even get to finish my threat.

       She darts out of the room and I'm up after her. "Emily!" Grabbing ahold of the railing I slide down it where she runs allowing me to make up some of the space between us. "Emily Carson wants her si---" Grabbing her shirt with my wounded arm I wrap my other hand around her mouth.

       My sister and the rest of the team all look at us. "I swear to God blondie you tell her what I said I will snap your neck!" She tries to wiggle out of my grasp.

       Emily sits the cup she was washing on the counter walking in our direction. Catching me off guard she licks my palm causing me to jerk my hand away. "Carson wants her sissy!" Hiding behind her girlfriend she's entirely too smug.

       I wipe her saliva off on my pants. "Aww, how cute Prentiss is now Sissy!" I feel my face heat up as Derrick and JJ snicker.

       Flipping them both off I shove past them to the fridge. "You all can go fuck yourselves I was half asleep and I'm wounded give me a break!" They all laugh harder as I pull the last cup of yogurt out of the fridge.

       JJ stops laughing instantly. "Hey, that's mine!" Shrugging I rip off the top.

       She goes to grab for it, and I stick my tongue in it. "Should have thought about it before you went blabbing." Smiling triumphantly, I take off back upstairs to shower and get ready for the day.

       I put on a green lace-up flare hem halter dress and a simple pair of black booties. I don't want to change a million times today and it's just supposed to be a casual get-together tonight. I put my hair into two messy space buns leaving down two pieces to frame my face. Doing light makeup, I step back and realize I look a bit fairy-ish. Once I'm done, I head downstairs.

       Everything is taking longer than usual with one bad arm, and it doesn't help I slept until a little after one in the afternoon. I guess being sniped takes it out of you. I fill the team in on the plan and call Tucker. Thankfully the wire arrived sometime yesterday. When IAB shows up they aren't happy, but they know it's now or never.

       They leave to go start setting up the opt and by then it's nearing half past six. "Are you sure about this Carson?" Emily walks up behind me as I'm putting the final touches on my appearance.

       Turning around she adjusts the wire which is a butterfly necklace. "No, I'm not but I don't want to be here anymore. This house, this state, it's time to move on. I'm preparing for the absolute worst but at least at the end of it, I know you're going to be there waiting for me. Will you just do me one favor?" Grabbing my hand, she nods. "I don't want you or JJ on headset... whatever happens I'll deal with, but I don't want you to have to as well." Her whole face falters.

       She wants to object I can see it in her eyes. "I'll make sure she's not running point... and that she's okay." Jenifer comes over wrapping herself around Emily.

       The rest of the team is upstairs getting ready. "You don't know how much I appreciate that." Hugging them both I step back taking one last look in the mirror. Leaving the house, I call Amanda from my car.

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