Detective Lennox. Detective Ray Lennox.

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       Standing alone in the living room it feels a bit lighter. Making my way upstairs I pull out my cigarettes lighting one to the sound of the SUVs pulling away. Taking a moment to enjoy my smoke I strip out of my clothes going to shower. After washing my hair and body I hop out and towel off. It's time to become Agent Ray Lennox, not Carson Prentiss.

       Pulling on a plain red t-shirt I slide up a pair of black skinny jeans. Throwing my hair into a ponytail I put on my shoes and head back downstairs. Grabbing my satchel from its hook I retrieve the case file from my other bag. Walking out of the house I open the garage settling into my jeep. Pulling out I hear my phone ding. Stopping for the gate I read the message.

Amanda: Heads up a bunch of suits just got here

                  We don't know if it is IAB yet so make sure all your Is are dotted and Ts are crossed

Me: Thanks for the warning I'm on my way there now

       Driving away from the house I just hope to God they don't somehow manage to blow my cover. I make it to the station within fifteen parking at the other end of the garage away from the team's vehicles. Getting out I grab my stuff and take a moment to compose myself. Walking in my team looks at me motioning to Cragen's door. I can see Hotch talking with him and the rest of the team standing around them. Pulling a worried face, I go sit at my desk putting my bag underneath. "This is probably not good he doesn't look thrilled." We all watch through the glass.

       The two men shake hands, and the door opens. Everyone quickly looks busy trying to act like we weren't snooping. "Good try guys but you need to be quicker." We all look at him eyeing the agents behind him. "This is the FBI's BAU squad. The case we are currently working on is connected to some out-of-state murders. They're willing to do a joint task force since you guys have done all of the leg work for the rapes." Olivia stands introducing herself then the rest of us. Hotchner returns the favor introducing us to his team. "Liv, I want you and Fin to go help them set up in the conference room and get them anything they need. Rollins and Ray take the pin board in and pull everything we have on the case for them to see." He excuses himself and we get moving.

       Once they're out of earshot Amanda leans into me. "Since when does the FBI play nice?" I shrug my shoulders helping her roll the board through the squad room. Wheeling it into the room she pushes it a bit hard trying to get it over the carpeting causing me to knock into someone.

       Turning around to apologize I come face to face with Emily. "Oh, I'm so sorry the board got snagged. This carpeting is probably as old as I am." I reach out my hand to shake hers. "I'm Detective Ray Lennox it's very nice to meet you and the rest of the team." She introduces herself as we shake hands.

       Hightailing it out of the room I shove Amanda lightly as we get out of eyesight. "What I'm sorry it was an accident." We go to our desks collecting files. "Hey isn't Prentiss the last name of that one Ambassador who's supposed to be speaking at the capital this week?" She asks me while her back is turned and I'm glad because I can't stop my mouth from dropping open. Fixing my face as she turns around, I grab one of the stacks.

       "I think so yeah I'm pretty sure that's her daughter. I didn't know she was speaking though." We make our way back into the room.

       "Yeah, it was scheduled while you were gone, we're supposed to be there though." Nodding I sit the stuff down on the table spreading it out for them to see.

       Spencer comes over scanning the papers. "Is there any way I can get a geographical map of the area?" I spin on my heels to go get it, but Hotch speaks stopping me.

       "Prentiss why don't you go with her and see if they have any other case files that may match with our unsubs MO." She follows me out and I lead her to the file room.

       Shutting the door behind us I lean against it. "So, we may have a problem already." She spins to look at me. "Mother dearest is set to speak here in New York, and I'm scheduled to be there meaning you guys may have to be as well." She sighs rubbing her face.

       Pushing away from the door I grab a map and enter the aisle of case files. Flipping through some of the more recent ones we don't find any that fit our case and return. Handing the map to Spence she starts plotting points while Emily tells Hotch about our findings well lack thereof. Hotch asks to have the whole squad brought in to give them the profile. Leaving I go find Nick, Fin, and Craigen. Once we're all there they deliver the profile. Towards the end of it, the Captain's phone goes off and he steps out. They finish up and when he returns, I know it's not good. "We have another body." He orders Olivia and I to go to the scene and Nick and Rollins to head to Mercy apparently this time they didn't take the husband out of state dropping him a few miles away severely beaten.

       "Derick you and Emily go with them to the crime scene. Rossi and I are going to go to the hospital. Reid, keep working on the geographical profile. JJ, I want you to get ahead of this with the press and call Garcia. Have her trace the victim's phones see where they were and pull up their financials. Find out why they left this one alive." We all head out in different directions. 

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