For the Case

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       Pinning her against it I leave open mouth kisses down her jaw and neck. Biting her pulse point her hips jerk forward. Peeling off her shirt she does the same with mine. Reaching around her the lacey bra she's wearing joins the other clothes on the floor. Moving down I swirl my tongue against her stiffening peaks. She arches into me fingers treading in my hair to keep me in place. Spinning us I back her towards the bed. The back of her knees hit the mattress causing her to drop. Straddling her lap, I palm her breasts as our mouths reconnect. She moans into the kiss as I toy with her nipples.

       Before I can get any further my phone dings. Pulling away she whimpers. "Take your pants off and get comfortable." She obeys as I walk to the other side of the bed picking up my device.

Pen: I made a group chat so everyone can get ahold of each other : )

Me: Great timing. I have Rollins in my room now so if you guys need to change where you are now's the time to play room roulette

Derick: Oh so you and blondie ;) ?

Em: She's 17 Derick...

       Rolling my eyes, I silence my phone throwing it on my nightstand face down. "Is everything okay Ray?" Smiling down at her I crawl back onto the bed.

       Throwing my leg over her I lean down kissing her. "Everything's perfect." I'm such a fucking liar. Pushing the guilt down I move down her body causing her to squirm. "If you keep moving, I'm going to have to tie you down." She gasps at my words, and I toy with the hem of her underwear.

       Pulling them down I throw them off the bed. Setting between her legs nip and such at the sensitive skin of her thighs. "Please Ray don't tease." Giving in I look up at her and lean in. Her eyes roll back as I flatten my tongue against her. Letting her head fall back I lick her from entrance to clit circling it a few times before sucking her into my mouth. She moans out my name and her nails scratch lightly at my scalp.

       Releasing her bundle of nerves, I replace my mouth with my thumb entering her. She arches up her hips moving to meet my thrusts. Picking up the pace her walls begin to flutter around me. Snaking my hands up I pull at her nipples causing her to release a string of profanities. I've never been so glad that all of the rooms are soundproof. She grinds against my face chasing her orgasm. I can tell she's close. "Cum for me Amanda." Her hips stutter and her body stills momentarily. She screams my name as she finishes.

       Helping her ride out her high I clean up the mess moving back up her body. Letting her taste herself we kiss as she comes back down to earth. "Wow..." Moving to the side of her I lean my head on my arm.

       "Feeling better?" She nods leaning up to kiss me again.

       "Very." Laying down I let her rest her head on my chest.

       I hold her close for a while letting her collect her thoughts. It's her phone chiming that breaks the silence. She gets up to find her pants where it still is. "Fuck Nate's wondering where I am." She begins to put back on her clothes handing me mine to do the same. "I have to get home he wants to talk." Moving off the bed I walk her out of the room and to the door. "I- thank you for this Ray." Nodding I watch her leave getting into her car. Shutting the door, I lean against it taking a deep breath.

       Pushing away from the door I go and stop in the hall. "It's all clear you guys are good to come out now." The doors begin to open they are all now in their pajamas. "I'm so sorry about that I didn't think she was just going to show up like that." We all head back downstairs and I forgot about the wine. Everyone sits in the living room Emily looking between the table and me. "You guys want a glass?" She raises her eyebrow at me, and I raise my hands in surrender.

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