Agent Prentiss. Agent Carson Prentiss.

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       We watch him leave the door clicking behind him. Standing from the chair I perch myself on the desk closer to her. "Emily I..." She cuts me off standing and wrapping her arms around me.

       It's like everything hits at once and I break down in her arms. Hugging her feels like when I hugged Dad. Sobbing I cling to her shirt. She holds me tightly against her as my legs give out. "Shh, it's okay kid." She runs her hand through my hair.

       For the first time in months, I felt safe and like someone actually cared about me. As safe as I felt my anger finally began to bubble over. "Why does she hate me so much!? What did I do to make her not love me? I did everything she wanted! I did everything to be who she wanted! I did everything to be you because it was always you!" It comes out muffled against her shoulder, but I know she heard me.

       Emily grabs the side of my face pushing me back slightly. "You shouldn't have to become me for her to love you. You're Carson and that should be enough for her. I promise you it's enough for me." She pulls me back into her laying her head on top of mine.

       We stay like that in silence just the two of us against the world. The sound of the door opening causes me to pull away turning to wipe my face. There's a set of rules my dad instilled in me the first being never to show your emotions to others. Emotions are weaknesses and they will be used against you. Going back to the chair the two of us watch him enter returning to behind his desk. "I hate being like this, but I need to know now if you're stepping back because your sister has two cases to present to the team and we're due to arrive in New York within the day." She shakes her head no and smiles. "I figured as much but I still wanted to give you the option." He picks up a stack of files handing her two of them. "Since that's the case it's time to brief." The three of us stand and file out of the room making sure I grab my bag on the way out.

       Walking across the landing we make it to the door of a conference room entering. Immediately he begins passing out files and Emily pulls up an extra chair before sitting. Patting the material, I take the hint sitting down next to her placing my bag under the table between us after retrieving my own files from it. "Guys welcome our newest member Agent Prentiss." Hearing him call me that sounds so foreign I haven't used that name in years.

       A built bald man with a goatee laughs looking at us then him. "Hotch, we know who Emily is." Without looking up from the file he replies.

       "Not Emily Agent Carson Prentiss." They all look at me shock written on all of their faces. "Carson these are agents Derick Morgan, David Rossi, Jenifer Jareau, Doctor Spencer Reid, and our technical analyst Penelope Garcia." I wave hello trying to break the tension.

       The blonde tech woman is the first to break the silence. "You have a sister Emily? Why did you never tell us?" Running my hands down the material of my pants I see she's struggling.

       "She didn't know... Mother made sure no one did." The look of shock doesn't budge as they look between us. "I knew about her I mean everyone who has ever talked to the Ambassador does. I promise she wasn't hiding things from you all you're her family." That does the trick, and the room becomes lighter.

       The blonde comes over patting Emily's shoulder as she passes holding her arms open. Standing I allow her to hug me. "Oh well, life is just full of surprises huh? I think it's going to be nice to have a mini-Em around." She goes back to the front of the room, and I return to my spot.

       Emily looks at me apologetically which I wave off. "I know this is a lot with Emily's recent return, Seaver's departure, and now another new team member but I can assure you everything is for the betterment of the team. At only seventeen Carson has extensive experience in both undercover work and sex crimes. She's worked with the FBI, CIA, Interpol, IAB, and is currently working with New York's SVU unit. Which leads to the case files in front of you." He looks up at me and I stand opening one of the files.

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