The Ambassador's Address

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       Jerking up to a blaring alarm I groan and cover my ears. My head is pounding and it's entirely too early. Rolling over I find my phone pressing the button. Laying there a moment I remember why I'm up. God who does addresses at ten in the morning. The answer is apparently my mother. Slinking out of bed the room is spinning. Using the furniture in my room as a guide I head to the bathroom.

       When I'm ready to battle the light, I open my eyes taking in my reflection. Down my neck are light purple markings. Amanda likes to get but not give so I know they have to be from Casey. Thankfully it's going to be a bit colder today so I can get away with a light turtleneck. Sighing I wash my face and brush my teeth. I already know today is going to be a long day. Getting dressed I look more like a burglar than a cop.

       I grab my stuff and head downstairs. The whole team is already up and ready. As soon as I walk into the kitchen where they are standing all eyes are on me. "Hm, I never thought we'd see the day when Emily's twin walked into the room." Looking at here we're basically wearing the same thing. The only real difference is her hair is down and mine is pulled back into a ponytail.

       "You know as soon as we show up like this your mother is going to blow a gasket, right?" Walking through the group I open the cabinet pulling out a mug and K-cup.

       Sitting it in the machine I wait for it to brew. "Well, this is what I always wear to our mother's speeches." Hopping onto the counter I look at her.

       "Your mother's speeches, I don't have a mom and my father's dead." The machine beeps and I turn sliding to the floor adding sugar and some creamer. "Well, this has been fun, but I need to head out I have to go do perimeter checks." Taking my to-go cup I grab my keys.

       By the time the event actually starts, I'm hiding behind one of the pillars. Casey and Olivia are standing next to me. "I can't believe you've been mistaken for her daughter three times now." Huffing I roll my eyes.

       This causes them both to snicker. "Why do you guys think I'm hiding? Being in law enforcement I get it more often than you guys think." Sliding Liv to the left a bit I want a clear line of sight to Emily.

       She stands next to the Ambassador and from where I'm standing, I can see her scrolling on her phone. Elizabeth sees and without missing a beat she kicks her to get her attention. I smirk as she begrudgingly puts it away straightening up. I've gotten really good at tuning out her voice. About halfway through though I get a bad feeling. Sliding around the pillar I look out at the crowd nothing seems off, so I go to move back and that's when I spot it. Across the street on top of the building is a sniper.

       Squinting I realize he's not targeting Mom. I don't even get a chance as he lines up the shot. "Emily!" Without thinking it through I run out going to grab her. The moment I reach her pushing her back a bit from her spot a bullet pierces my shoulder sending me sideways.

       Hitting the ground, the crowd begins to flee, and it's chaos. Emily dropped down beside me covering the wound. Secret service rushes over grabbing both her and the Ambassador. "LET ME GO!" Trying to kick free they pick her up entirely.

       Olivia and Casey break through the crowd pulling me behind the podium. "Ray come on stay with us!" Squeezing the brunette's arm my whole body is on fire. "Where's the bus!?" Casey moves enough to see around.

       When she moves back, she's pissed. "They've shut down the street Liv. They aren't coming!" I'm losing a lot of blood I can tell because I'm getting cold.

       I'm getting entirely too cold. "I want my Dad! I want my sister!" My head rolls against the concrete and things begin to blur. I can hear Casey and Olivia's voices, but I can't make them out. I'm tired I'm just so tired. Closing my eyes, I can feel them shaking me, but I don't have the strength to reopen them. That's the last thing I remember before there's just nothingness. 

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