Being At and Down In the Dumps

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       Getting to the scene we all flash our badges ducking under the police tape. Coordinating with the CSU team we find Melinda who arrived shortly before us. She tells us the cause of death is the same as the other four women and there are signs of vaginal trauma. She puts the time of death around no more than six hours ago. We spend the rest of the day combing over the crime scene and going through ME reports. By the time we get back, it's nearly seven. "I want you guys to head home I don't think we're going to get any further with this tonight." Hotch agrees setting everyone to be back by nine the next morning.

       Pooling out across the parking garage I get in my car rolling down the windows trying not to gag. I smell like trash literally. Digging through a city dump was not how I wanted to spend my day. On my way back to the house I stop by a Friendly's picking up a catering box. Going home I enter hanging my keys and then stopping. JJ, Rossi, and Hotch are all lounging watching something on the TV. Spencer is curled up in the armchair reading while Emily and Derick are standing at the end of the couch griping about being at the dump all day. It's weird to see people just living I guess I'm just used to coming back to emptiness. "Hey, I brought dinner." Raising the box, I make my way through the house to the kitchen.

       Dropping it on the counter I go to head upstairs. "Aren't you eating?" Turning back around I watch them crowd around the island.

       "I will but I need to shower." Leaving I head up pulling off the reeking clothes. Grabbing some black spandex and a white form-fitting shirt I make sure to grab some thigh-high socks cause the floor is cold. Showering for the third time today I get dressed braiding my hair on both sides.

       Going back down everyone is sat around eating and talking. Sliding onto a stool next to Emily, I catch myself on the counter as I slip off due to the material of my shorts. Situating myself I grab a burger and a bag of fries. "Did Emily tell you guys yet?" They all give me their attention. "I'll take that as a no. Anyway, Ambassador Prentiss is doing something here in New York and somehow, we drew NYPD's short stick, so my team has to be there. I'm assuming since you guys are with us, you'll be asked to attend also. She'll probably want Emily up there next to her and I'll be working the crowd. Unsurprisingly there has been an uptick in threats made against her." Emily groans laying her head on her arms. "Look no one wants to be there less than me but she's not the only one who has to save face right now. With you being there I'll have to dodge the media a lot less because sadly I'm a carbon copy of her. I just hope nothing pops off because she's the last person on earth I'm willing to take a bullet for." At that Emily sits up looking at me.

       "I'm starting to share that sentiment." She picks at her food in front of her.

       We all continue to eat everyone aware of the growing tension. "Hey Spence, can we talk about something since we're all here." As we're finishing up JJ breaks the silence. He nods crumpling up his burger paper. "Okay, so Carson brought up something earlier that I want to run by you. I know you've been worried a lot about your mother's diagnosis and how it could affect you, but have you maybe possibly thought about it being something different." He looks at her sideways. "Have you ever been screened for autism? It's just a lot of your behaviors which we all love by the way kind of point to you being on the spectrum rather than schizophrenic." He looks down at the table obviously thinking hard.

       "Well, I mean no I haven't been tested it's something my father used to throw around, but my mom never had me tested because she didn't think there was anything wrong with me." He looks at her worried.

       I feel like maybe now's a good time for me to step in. "Being autistic doesn't mean anything wrong with you Spencer. I was diagnosed at eight and it's just one part of me. It doesn't take away from anything you've done or will do in the future, but it could just be an explanation. It also lessens the chance for a schizophrenia diagnosis because there's already a mutation." That seems to lessen his worry but not completely.

       "Hotch?" I'm getting the feeling agent Hotchner is like a father figure to the team.

       "Reid it wouldn't change anything you'll still be our resident genius, but I do think it would be something worth you looking into." He pats his shoulder as Spencer looks around the table.

       Before anyone can say anything else there's a knock on my door. I freeze because only one other person knows where I live. "Everyone upstairs now it's Rollins!" Everyone gets up and they all hightail it up the stairs. Once they are all out of sight, I go open the door. "Amanda hey what's up?" Ushering her in she goes and drops unceremoniously onto my couch.

       "I hope you're not busy it's just I'm not having a good night." Going into the kitchen I quickly gather all of the trash stuffing it in the bin and grabbing a bottle of wine and two glasses.

       "What happened?" Uncorking the bottle, I fill the glasses handing her one and then I sit down next to her.

       "Nate's just being weird... I think he's cheating on me." Out of all of the times for him to be a prick it has to be now. "I need a meeting but there isn't one until Friday." Sighing I wrap my arm around her at least she didn't slip up.

       "I'm glad you came here instead of some dodgy casino." She leans into me taking a sip of her drink. "You want to go upstairs and cuddle I can put a movie on." She laughs but it's not one of humor.

       "I need more than cuddles..." She says it quietly, but I know exactly what she's getting at. When I don't say anything, she pulls back. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that we're coworkers for god's sake." She goes to stand up to leave but I stand grasping her wrist.

       I now have two options neither of them morally right but given the situation. "It's okay Amanda if that's what you need." Tugging her into me I capture her lips in mine.

       Her hands land on my hips and mine go to her hair pulling her closer. God does her lips on mine feel so good, but fuck is it so wrong. Swiping my tongue over her bottom lip she grants entrance. She tugs at my shirt, and I break the kiss. "Upstairs."Interlacing our fingers, I pull her up the steps and into my room shutting the door behind us. 

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