The House

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       We continue driving through New York and once we hit Manhattan, I grab their attention again. "I'm going to need to be dropped off at my place. I can't arrive with you guys." They look at me calling Hotchner.

       He agrees and tells them that everyone will follow that way they can all arrive together. Giving Emily the address she punches it into the GPS. Making our way there the vehicles come to a stop outside of the iron gate. Hopping out I go to the scanner placing my hand on the scanner. The fencing opens and I get back in and tell them to go up the drive and around the fountain. They follow my directions, and we all get out. The team stands by their cars looking at the mansion in front of us. "Jesus they really paid out for this crash pad huh?" Derick looks at me as I shut my door bag in hand.

       "It's not a crash pad this is my estate. Dad left it to me when he died. Please bring your bags there's enough rooms for everyone to stay here instead of at a hotel." Walking up to the door I scan in, and it opens. Dropping my bag by the couch I stack some of the boxes lying around in the corner. "Sorry about the mess I'm in the middle of getting everything packed hopefully it'll be ready to put on the market by the beginning of the month." Everyone follows me in looking around.

       "Wow, this is bigger than my place." Leading them through the house I take them up the first flight of stairs.

       "You guys are free to roam the only room off limits is mine and it's this one at the end. There's a library/office, and gym, and downstairs is a media room and fully stocked bar. The only thing you'll guys need to get is food I made sure everything got cleaned out once the staff left." Pushing open one of the doors it reveals a queen-sized bed already made, a chest of drawers, and a flatscreen. "The rooms all basically look like this, and they each have their own attached bath. There are actually ten rooms in total but one became the library, and another became a playroom. This is the first one and they just go down from here." They all move to take a room. Emily chooses the one closest to mine then it's Jenifer, Spencer, Derick, Rossi, and finally Hotchner at the end. They all drop off their things coming and meeting back up in the hall. Moving further down I open up the library revealing the stocked shelves of books.

       Entering Spencer immediately lights up scanning the titles. "You have so many originals here." He pulls one off the shelf flipping through it.

       "If you want any of them, please let me know I'll have them shipped to you in Virginia it'll be less I have to sell and at least I know they'll be going to a good home. I've already packed up the ones I'm keeping." He goes back to the shelves pulling titles and creating a stack next to him.

       Leaving him to look we all exit the room. "You don't know the can of worms you just opened he's going to have a field day in there." Taking one last look the team smiles at his antics.

       "I don't mind if he wants them all I'll even send him the bookcase. They're just things honestly. Speaking of things, I have some stuff you guys may be interested in please follow me out to the garage." We give Spencer the heads up and I lead them back down the stairs and out the side door. They all step out and I hit the lights. "That wall is nothing but tools basically brand new." Derrick steps around us inspecting them.

       "These are all name brand names and some of them are you need a license to even buy." He looks like a kid in a candy store.

       "They were given to my father by a couple of different companies he wasn't really a handy man though. If you have any use for them, please have at them." He starts opening drawers and looking through the toolboxes. Turning I see Hotch has taken an interest in the cars that are parked. "These are mostly classics all of the parts are original to the cars." He takes a special interest in one car in particular.

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