Arrests and After-Work Activities

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       The next three days two more pairs of bodies show up. They have gotten sloppy no longer waiting until their over state lines to dump the males. The closest has been three blocks from the dump. "They are escalating and devolving not a great combination." Throwing my pen on my desk I get up to get more coffee.

       Both teams are huddled around the board nothing seems to be sticking. As I sit back down Cragen walks out of his office. "We've got another two bodies. A woman and a man both at the dump." Everyone jumps up.

       Braking off we canvass the crime scene and surrounding areas, have the security footage pulled, and conduct witness interviews. This one is different from the rest as the male who was dumped is young and in no way fits the financial aspect of the profile. A third body was found not even an hour later. The one found last turned out to be the female's partner meaning the first male was either colleterial or we had just found our weakest link.

       There was no sleeping that night we took turns hitting the bunks and then it was right back to. We were able to connect the odd man out back to a community college. By mid-day Thursday we had three names. Josh Howards, Ramsey Tucket, and Lawson Belford were our unsubs. Their technical analysis got us an address and the takedown was as clean as it could be considering Lawson was the son of a NYPD officer.

       So many consecutive days going has started to take its toll, but I'm not done. Now back at the station, Cragen has dismissed us for the night. Tomorrow we are to be in front of the courthouse for Ambassador Prentiss's address. "You ready to go play into the politics tomorrow?" Rolling my eyes at Fin I grab my coat.

       "Oh, you know how I love it! I can't wait to spend the day getting mistaken for her daughter. Luckily, she'll actually be here the FED we were working with yeah, the last name checks out." He chuckles grabbing his stuff.

       Emily texts me telling me they had already left and were heading back to the house. I leave it on read as I get into the elevator. "Hold it!" Lifting my hand, I stop the door from closing, and in pops Rollins. "Hey Ray, you up for drinks tonight?" Looking at the time I could go for a drink before tomorrow. I tell her I'm down. "Cool meet me at the usual spot say nine." Nodding we split off heading towards our cars.

       When I get to my place it's quiet inside, but the SUVs are here. I'm assuming everyone hit the hay for a while. I would love to do that but it's now seven. Once I hit my room, I take a longer-than-necessary shower and get dressed. The place we're going is a cop bar nothing too fancy. Slipping on a black corduroy skirt and a white short-sleeved button-up I tie the bottom leaving a proper amount of cleavage for this time of place. I most certainly am trying to get laid tonight.

       Adding a pair of platform sandals, I braid both sides of my hair. I do light makeup as if I do get fucked, I don't want to come back looking like a raccoon. Making sure I have my phone and wallet I head out. It's now half past eight and the house is still silent. On my way by I crack open the door to my sister's room. Inside her, and JJ are tangled together still in their work clothes. Quietly shutting it behind me I head out. 

       Arriving at the bar I flash my IAB-issued I.D. and join Amanda, Fin, Munch, and Nick at the table. "Where's Liv?" It is odd for everyone to be out and for her not to be.

       Amanda downs her drink before answering. "Said she had a date planned with Cassidy tonight, so we got ditched." Humming I get up to go get a drink.

       The bar is busy, so I take a seat on one of the stools. As I'm sitting there another person comes up sitting on the stool next to me. "Looks like this case took it out of you." Turning it's our ADA Casey Novack.

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