On the Way Out

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       Suddenly there's a bright light and my first thought is it's finally over. Then I hear the sounds of machines beeping. Of course, I couldn't get lucky. Opening my eyes, I groan as I get blinded. Adjusting I push myself up a bit. Looking around I'm in the hospital... alone. Sighing I inspect the bandages on my arm. Flipping off the covers I need to get out of here. I'm still in my jeans but I know my shirt is as good as gone.

       Standing up I stretch out my sore limbs. "Carson!" Turning around in runs Emily. Flipping the lock on the door I see Secret Service agents behind her. She's obviously running from them. Dropping the blinds, she comes over wrapping her around me careful not to touch the arm that's in the sling. "I'm so glad you're okay." I wrap my good arm around her shoving my face against her shoulder.

       It all comes back, and I break down sobbing. She holds me as I cry rubbing my back. Outside are still the other agents. When I've run out of tears, I pull back wiping my face. "Elizabeth is going to kill you once she finds out you came here." Every time I've been hurt whether on a case or not, she would never come see me.

       She would just send a car once I've been discharged. "I don't care what she has to say! You were shot protecting me..." Shrugging I wrap my arm around myself.

       Suddenly the door flies open and in flies the bane of my existence. "Emily Prentiss!" My sister jumps up putting herself between us. "We have to go right now! You cannot be seen with her publicly." Going to grab for her she slaps her hand.

       The eldest Prentiss is standing there in pure shock. "I'm not going anywhere with you!" Crossing her arms, she stands toe to toe with her.

       Standing up I stand on my tiptoes as she is a couple inches taller than me. "Go if not with her then to your team. They're probably worried about you. Things aren't over yet." Turning her head, a bit she sighs knowing I'm right.

       My birth giver gives up and leaves. Emily waits a moment before following her out. I'm once again alone. Sitting on the edge of the mattress I run my hand through my hair.

       I don't have much time to figure out my next move as the door gets pushed open once again. This time there stands Casey, Amanda, Olivia, and Brian. "Jesus Christ Ray!" The three women move further into the room.

       They each give me a hug the best they can. "We brought you a shirt." Taking the fabric from the blonde it's a NYPD shirt.

       I turn facing away from them as Brian is in the room standing against the wall. Pulling off the gown I pull the shirt over my head with minimal struggle. Once I'm covered, I turn back around. Olivia and Casey are just behind Amanda and I can tell from the look on their faces something is up. Sighing I know I'm going to have to do damage control. Looking between them Casey breaks first. "We looked and we couldn't find your dad or your sister." Oh, right I forgot about that moment.

       Sighing I rub my face. "Yeah, I don't carry my dad's last name... not that it matters you would have only found headstones anyway." I mean it's not a lie technically Emily did die at one point.

       I can't say it's my proudest moment but to be fair I did get shot. "Oh, honey..." Liv voices what all of them are probably thinking.

       Waving it off I grab my gun and badge placing them where they need to be. "It's okay really it's been four months I'm coping." All of their faces drop, and I realize what I just said.

       The room is eerily silent. Even Brian looks sympathetic and that's new. The doctor walks in stopping behind them. "Detective Lennox?" She has a stack of papers in her hand meaning I'm getting discharged. "I'm assuming you'll be leaving with these detectives then. There is no one on file for an emergency contact..." Well, when she says it that way it sounds real fucking depressing.

       Nodding I sign my name on the line taking the care instructions packet. This isn't my first bullet hole, so I don't need it, but I don't think the other three women are going to let me leave without it. "Let me take you home." Wrapping her arm around my waist I don't really have another choice.

       Out of habit, I lean into her a bit as we walk through the hallways. I can feel the stares but at this point, I just don't care. Making it out to the parking lot, they walk with us to her car as they didn't park far from each other. Saying our goodbyes, I go to get in when a hand on my wrist stops me. "Why don't you come over to Liv's tomorrow after work? She's worried about you and it'd make her feel better knowing you aren't just sitting around alone. It'd also make me feel better..." It's Cassidy and now with the case over I'm out of time.

       Laying my hand on top of his I smile up at him. "You're right... say around seven?" His face lights up and I have to hold back a gag.

       Confirming the time, he squeezes my arm one last time before walking away to Liv's car. Dropping into the blonde's car she doesn't look happy. She waits until we pull out to break the silence. "I don't like the idea of you going to hang out with him." I don't particularly like it either, but I have a job to do.

       Adjusting in my seat I turn my body to face her a bit. "That's Oliva's boyfriend I would never do anything to jeopardize her relationship if that's what you think. You know first-hand I'm gay Amanda and it's kind of insulting that you---" She quickly cuts me off saying it's not like that. "Then what is it like? Liv is going to be there I'm not going over to just be with him alone. Everyone knows what Olivia is like she's going to worry about me. I don't want to cause her anymore to stress and if me popping in for a few minutes stops that from happening then what's the worst that can happen?" The answer is a lot, and I can tell that's what she wants to say. "I trust Olivia, okay? if I didn't, I wouldn't be on the team. She trusts him enough to live with her and that has to count for something." It's not a complete lie I do trust Olivia, Brian however isn't her.

       Amanda just nods and the conversation comes to an end. It's tense and a bit awkward but I know exactly why she's worried. Word spreads fast around the precinct. Pulling out my phone I text the group chat telling them to move the SUVs into the garage. I can't have Amanda seeing them parked out front. I got lucky the last time she just showed up and it was dark. "Do you want me to stay?" Grabbing her hand, I interlace our fingers.

       She looks at me for the first time since I spoke to Cassidy. "It's okay Georgia I'm not really going to be great company tonight. I'm going to go ahead and head in to shower, probably cry a bit because well bullets fucking hurt, then I'm taking my ass to bed. I've got a meeting with a realtor tomorrow I'm hoping this place will sell fast." It's time to start extracting myself from all of this.

       Her hold on my hand suddenly tightens. "You're moving?" Looking up at the house there are just too many bad memories.

       "It was my father's..." Trailing off I need to figure out how to tell them I'm leaving for good. IAB isn't supposed to tell them I'm a UC I'm just supposed to disappear. "You know the agents that were here?" She nods looking at me confused. "They want me to join their team. I got the official request and contract this morning. I haven't told Olivia yet or anyone for that matter. I don't know when I leave for sure I just know it's soon. My sister was an FBI agent and I want to follow in her footsteps..." The silence is deafening as she sits there in shock.

       Popping open the door I'm hurting not just for me but for her. I got entirely too close on this case and that's no one's fault but my own. "I- It's an opportunity of a lifetime. I'm proud of you. I'm going to miss you, but I really wish you the best of luck." Tugging me closer we meet in the middle.

       Pulling apart for air she wears a sad smile. "I'll call you before I get to and after I leave Liv's tomorrow, okay? I don't want you to worry either." She releases me and I step out of the vehicle.

       Taking a breath before I enter, I listen to her tires against the asphalt until she's far enough that I can't. Using my keys, I unlock the door pushing it in. I'm expecting the whole team but when I enter it's only Emily and JJ. They stand from the couch, and I drop everything in my hands yanking off my badge and gun. Tossing them onto the table by the door I move around the couch practically throwing myself in my sister's arm. "I HATE THIS FUCKING JOB!" Sobbing into her chest she pulls me with her to the couch being as careful as possible with my arm.

       Shushing me she rocks us back and forth. "Carson..." Hearing my name like my actual name just makes me cry harder.

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