Chapter 2

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TW; mentions of Eating disorder and throwing up

Midnights perspective;

I woke up with the worst headache ever, and immediately buried my head under the doona to block out the light. 

"Fuck my head hurts," I muttered. 1989 was passing by and she must have heard me because she stopped and poked her head in.

"Someone finally woke up," she teased. 

"What do you mean finally, its so early," I said, my head still under the covers.

"Midnights, it's literally lunchtime," 

"Shit," She pulled the covers off me and I groaned as the light hit my eyes, seemingly scorching through them into my skull. 

"You look like a mess," She said. "How much did you drink last night?" She asked

"Uhm... A bit," I said, hoping she wouldn't notice the empty bottle of vodka the floor. 

"Mhm, right, like that time you had 'a little bit' to drink and then threw up on the pavement on the way home from the bar?" I flipped her off and rolled over, but she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of bed. For someone so small she's surprisingly strong. I bumped into her from the force of the pull, and I blushed. Fuck, what's wrong with me, I don't have feelings for 1989, do I? Even if I did, there's no way she would ever like me back.

"Earth to midnights? I asked if you were hungry?" 

"Shit sorry, uh, I'm alright for now. Have you eaten?" 

"Um. Yes." She avoided eye contact with me

"You're crap at lying, y'know," I said. "Go eat"

"Fine, I haven't eaten. But I don't need to, you aren't eating either!" 

"Mhm, when was the last time you ate," I know I was pressuring her, but I had been here before with her and I couldn't bear for her to end up passing out from hunger like the last time. She didn't answer. "That's what I thought. Come, I'm making you lunch," I grabbed her hand and dragged her downstairs. 
I made a sandwich for both of us, and I made something that I knew she liked because I didn't want to overwhelm her. 

"Midnights I-I don't think I can," She said, staring at her plate with a single tear dripping down her cheek. I reached over the bench and wiped it away for her. 

"Hey, it's ok, take your time. There's no pressure, how about you just try for a couple bites? If you want I can make something else," I offered, holding her hands from across the table.

"It's ok, thank you for helping me," She faintly smiled at me as I let go of her hands and started at my own sandwich. She took a few tentative bites and looked to be enjoying it, so I encouraged her. "Good job, you're doing amazing,"

When she finished the first half I asked if she wanted to try for the second and she nodded hesitantly. She managed to get most of the way through, but then suddenly she paled. 

"You ok?" I asked, not knowing whether she was nervous or feeling sick. 

"Midnights I feel sick," She said, looking panicked. I quickly stood up and led her to the sink. I scooped her hair back as she threw up, and rubbed circles on her back comfortingly. When she had nothing left to throw up, she leant back onto me and I half led, half carried her to the couch where I laid her down with her head in my lap. She cried for a while as I stroked her hair and soothed her. Eventually she fell asleep, exhausted, and I scooped her up and took her into my bedroom, which was closer and had a bigger bed. 

Through all that had happened, I forgot about my headache, but it had returned and felt like someone was clashing two symbols together with my head in the middle of them, so I went downstairs and took some Nurofen, then sat on the couch for a while. 

Texting between Debut and Fearless

Fearless 🪑💛; Hey Debut where are you?

Fearless 🪑💛; Did I do something to upset you before?

Fearless 🪑💛; I'm sorry if i did

Fearless 🪑💛; Pls answer me Im worried

Debut 🤠; Im not mad 

Debut 🤠; Im at the mall, dont come though

Debut 🤠; I just needed some time to think

Fearless 🪑💛; Thank goodness your ok, I was worried

Fearless 🪑💛; Tect me when your coming back 

Debut 🤠; Ok sure 

Debut 🤠; C u then 

1989's perspective; 

I don't know what's wrong with me. Midnights thinks I threw up at lunch because I wasn't used to eating a lot, but I'm not sure where she actually got that from, I think it was more so because of how conflicted I was. Half of me was telling me to finish it, because it's just a sandwich, I'm not going to die, but the other half was screaming at me that I was fat, so I just got so overwhelmed. 

I hope Midnights doesn't worry about me too much, I'll get through it. I do appreciate how much she helps me though, and I love spending time with her. She's my best friend, but sometimes we fight a bit. I feel like she's been acting strangely around me though, maybe she doesn't like me anymore. Maybe I'm too much of a burden with all of my problems... I should go talk to her. 

Folklore's perspective;

I was sitting on the couch watching a documentary when Speak Now joined me. 

"Hi Folklore," She greeted me. I paused the television to speak to her.

"Hey Speak Now, what's up?" I asked, as I noticed she looked troubled. 

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you about something," She started. I gestured for her to continue. "Folklore, can you promise this won't ruin our friendship?" She started crying and I quickly shuffled over to comfort her. 

"Of course not, I promise," She sniffed and tried to calm herself down.

"I-I just can't go any longer without telling you this, I'm around you too much not to think about it, Folklore, I have feelings for you and I know you don't like me back but i just really needed to tell you because it was eating away at me," She rushed through her words, and I took a moment to process what she had said, but by the time I had formulated a reply, she had run out of the room.

"Speak Now wait!" I tried to follow her, but she was already in her bedroom crying. 

Speak Now's perspective; 

I can't believe I did that, I messed up so bad. When I told Folklore that I had a crush on her, she looker mad, and I understand why, because we're best friends, as well as her being 10 years older than me. You'd think I would've learned by now, but she's so nice, and she wouldn't be like that...

I needed to stop thinking about her, so I called Red, hoping that she wouldn't be out trying to win her Ex back. Luckily she wasn't, and she picked up

"Why did you call me we literally live in the same house," She said

"I don't wanna come out of my room," I sniffed. "I messed up, Red,"

"I'm coming," She hung up

A/N This is shit 😭 Again, give me suggestions idk what to write 

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