Bicycle Shaun (14)

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Third person Perspective; 

The next morning was chaos. With 6 people trying to desperately pack and leave in time, everything was very rushed, including goodbyes. 


"SHE WASN"T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE UNTIL 10 SHE'S EARLY," Various voices replied from different places in the house. 

***** Speak now *****

"I'm going to miss you a lot Speak now," Folklore stood in the doorway as everyone was getting into the car to leave. 

"I don't want to leave Lorie, I l-" She stopped herself, not wanting to say the first 'I love you' just as she was leaving for who knows how long. 

"I love you too," Folklore smiled and embraced her one last time. "Just remember, it's not forever, it's only a little while and for that time it'll just be like a long distance relationship," 

"But I hate the uncertainty of it all," Speak now looked up. 

"We'll talk every day until you come back, ok?" 

"Okay," She said. "Bye Lorie," 

***** Red *****

"Well uh, goodbye for now," Evermore awkwardly hugged Red, neither of them being very publicly emotional 

"Bye Eve, see you sooner or later," Red smiled sadly. They stood in silence for a moment but as she went to move away she turned back and hugged Evermore tightly. "I'm going to miss you Eve," She mumbled into the taller girls shoulder. 

***** 1989 *****

1989 went to say goodbye to her girlfriend, but couldn't find the words, instead hugging her, hoping it was sending her message across. 

"I got out of bed for this at least kiss me," Midnights joked. 

"Go back to bed then," 1989 was on edge, snapping at most people who she came in contact with. She made a move to walk away. 

"Babe I'm sorry I know this is a big deal to you," Midnights gently grabbed her shoulder and held her chin to force eye contact on her. 

"And I'm sorry for being so touchy I'm just really on edge because I'm not really good friends with any of them and I'm worried that I might get left out," She admitted, reaching up to kiss her. 

"They all like you, you're too cute to leave out," Midnights extended an arm around 1989, pulling her closer. "Me on the other hand..." 

"What do you mean?" 

"Folklore and Evermore are close because they're sisters and they also look down on me a bit, and Lover's girlfriend hooked up with me which led to her getting kidnapped so I don't think she's over that yet," She shrugged, making 1989 laugh for the first time all day. "I think they're leaving now, bye babe," 

"Bye Mid,"

***** Rep *****

Rep and Lover had been avoiding the topic of what was happening that day until the last second. 

"I have to go soon Luv, I'm sorry," 

"Don't be, I know you don't want to," Lover took the girl's hand and squeezed it. 

"And you'll be okay? I promise I'll annoy the crap out of that bitch to leave as soon as possible," She said solemnly, earning a laugh from Lover. 

"They're calling for you, you'd better go," 

"Can you promise that you'll follow through on going to therapy? Call me at any time, I don't care what time it is, I just want you to know that I'm always here to talk if you need-"

"REP COME OR WE'RE DRAGGING YOU THERE," Someone yelled from outside. 

"I promise, now go," Lover kissed Rep on the lips, savouring their last moment. 

Debut's perspective; 

The ride to Bicycle's house was awkward and tense, no one knowing what to say. It's not really like anyone has experienced that before. 

"We're here, we're going to go in and meet him and then you can bring your bags in," Taylor got out of the van and rung the doorbell. The house looked relatively large, and quite large which was good. 

"Come in the door's open," Came a voice from inside. Good to note he keeps the door unlocked - I mentally wrote it down. 

"Alright so girls this is Bicycle, Bicycle this is the girls, I'll leave you all to get acquainted while I get the bags," She hurriedly exited, and I watched the door swing closed, blinking at her sudden exit.

She came back with the bags, breaking the awkward silence. 

"There you go bye!"

"Ok grab your bags and follow me," He motioned to us to follow him, and he took us down a flight of dimly lit stairs. I pressed close into Fearless, taking her hand in mine. 

"Fi I'm scared it's dark in here," I whispered.

"Don't be, I'm here and I'm sure Rep can punch if she needs to," She smiled down at me, and Rep moved in closer to us, hearing her name. 

"You scared?" She grinned.

"It's not funny," I chewed on my bottom lip, nearly in tears. She just shrugged and moved away. 

"Here's where you'll be staying, you have everything you need, I'll give you three meals a day bye," He ushered us inside the basement, door clanking shut ominously. The room was a typical basement, wide, open and made of concrete with a door that I assumed led to the bathroom. We all dropped our bags on the floor and stood in silence. 

"Well, this is it," Red said. 

"Great deduction," 1989 rolled her eyes. 

"Don't fight guys we have to be roomates  and we only just got here," Fearless walked over to claim a bed, and the rest followed suit, the order ending up as Fearless, Me, Rep (Purely to annoy me, might I add), Speak now, Red then 1989. 

"Why did I have to end up next to her," Rep said, glaring at me

"Don't act like you don't enjoy scaring me," I scoffed. 

"What do you mean?" She asked innocently. I opted to ignore her, turning to talk to Fearless instead. It was going to be a long haul 

A/N; Shortish one but I have no motivation atm

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