Chapter 36

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To the concerning amount of people who are married to Rep, please don't murder me 🙏🏻

Rep's perspective; 

"Look what the cat dragged in," Bicycle stood looming over me, and I grabbed my bag protectively to my chest. "I know that you also tried to get out last time," 

"You don't have any proof," I countered with false confidence. 

"Oh, you're going to regret that attitude soon," He took a step towards me and I scrambled back out of his reach. "Not as confident as she seems, huh?" 

"Says who?" I retaliated, knowing that it would get me in deep shit later on but still wondering if there was a way to escape. He lurched forwards and grabbed my hair, pulling me up to a standing position as I winced in pain. 

"Says me," He hissed. "Now if you keep that attitude up, we're going to have a very big problem," 

"Well then I guess we have a problem," I shrugged, making an attempt to wrench myself out of his grip, but I got no further than a few steps before he caught me by the back of my shirt and pulled me back, returning his grip on his hair as he stomped inside. 

I pulled at the neck of my shirt, coughing out a breath as he dragged me inside, into a small room. 

"Normally I would wait until morning to deal with dirty little rats like you, but you've been infuriating this whole time," 

"Wow, I'm surprised that word's in you vocabulary!" I said sarcastically, regretting in when I got slammed against a wall, the hand that had been on the back of my shirt now landing on my neck just tight enough to make it hard to breathe. I started shaking as he released his hand from my hair, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a knife. 

"You see this?" He chuckled. "Look at just how easily this draws blood," He drew it across the palm of my hand, pressing down lightly as I saw beads of blood start to appear. 

I coughed in temporary relief when his hand left my throat, soon washing away as he pulled a dirty cloth over my eyes. I drew in a shaky breath, biting my lip hard enough to draw blood as I wondered what he was going to do to me. 

I cried out in pain as he drew a long, seemingly very deep cut across my stomach, tears dripping out of my eyes but getting caught by the cloth. 

"Shut up," He growled. "You better not make any more sound," His fist came in contact with my stomach, where the knife had only recently left, and I doubled over in pain. For the third time that night he grabbed my hair, pulling me up straight. I winced at the feeling of blood seeping out of the cut, soaking my shirt. 

I didn't dwell on it for long though, as he punched me again, this time hitting my jaw and causing me to smack my head back into the wall. I struggled to keep myself upright, my head throbbing as I held onto the wall for support. 

The knife made various, painful cuts around my body- stomach, neck, arms. None of them were as deep as the first one, but still a considerable amount of blood was lost. Another hard punch was administered to my face, and I felt myself crumple onto the floor before everything went black. 

1989's perspective; 

I was sleeping, because it was 1am in the morning, when I got woken up by the door swinging open. In my state of half-awakeness, and the rooms state of darkness, it took me a moment to process bicycle standing at the door, holding someone up. 

It looked like Rep, but it couldn't be, right? She was asleep right next to me. I turned to check, but she wasn't. 

I got pulled out of my thoughts as Bicycle threw Rep down in the room and she ragdolled onto the floor. I flew out of bed to flip the light on, rushing over to Rep as Bicycle slammed out of the room. 

Now being able to see her properly, she looked terrible. She had bruises beginning to bloom on her jaw, and her shirt was stained with blood. Debut, evidently having been woken up by the commotion, sat up tiredly, walking over. 

"Oh my god is she okay?" She asked, clapping a hand to her mouth. 

"I'm not sure, we need to move her to a bed and stop her bleeding as soon as possible, she looks like she's lost a lot already," I said. Debut just nodded worriedly, helping me to lift Rep up and transfer her to the closest bed as I inspected her injuries further. "Quick, grab a towel or a shirt or something, whatever's closest," I instructed. 

Debut scurried off, coming back in a matter of seconds with a towel that I pressed hard into the wound on her stomach. She blinked her eyes open and looked around, wincing in pain.

"Rep are you okay? How do you feel?" Debut asked. 

"Not good," Rep whispered, eyes glistening with tears of pain. "Am I going to be okay?" 

"Yeah Rep, you're going to be okay," I said, wiping some blood off her face as I continued to stop the blood flowing from her stomach. 

"I- I just tried to get out to Lover," She said, voice shaking as a few tears dripped off her face. 

"Don't try talk, just focus on getting more stable right now," I said soothingly. She started shaking, tears running off her face and into the pillow. "Shh, calm down Rep, you're going to be okay," 

"She looks so pale," Debut whispered to me. "Is she really going to be okay?" Her bottom lip shook and I wrapped an arm around her. 

"All we can do is hope," I said. "She will be fine, but since Bicycle won't give us any medical things, she might get infected or something," 

"I don't want her to be hurting," She looked at me with big eyes, glistening with tears of sympathy. 

"Me neither," 


Reppy where are you 
You said you'd come
Answer me 
Are you okay?
Im worried
Please text me Reppy 
I love you 

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