Chapter 3

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Red's perspective;

I was hanging out in Eve's room when I got a call from Speak Now.

"Sorry, I have to take this," I sighed.

"That's fine, take your time," She said, smiling at me. Her smile is so pretty.

"Why did you call me we literally live in the same house," I said into my phone. She told me that she messed up and didn't want to come out of her room, so being the amazing friend that I am, I hung up and went to her room.

*in speak now's room*

I knocked on the door.

"Speak Now can I come in, it's Red," I didn't wait for a reply to come in, it was more so just to let her know that I was coming in. "So what did you do,"

"I told Folklore that I liked her,"

"Aaaand I'm assuming it went badly?"

"No it went fucking amazing Red," She sat up and glared at me. "Of course it went badly."

"In all seriousness I'm sorry that you had to go through that. Is there anything I can do?" I asked.

"No I just want to lie here and wallow in self pity until I die,"

"That's a tad overdramatic don't you think?"

"No." She said. I abruptly stood up and left. She called after me, thinking that I was storming out, but I came back a few minutes later armed with snacks.

"We're having a movie night." I said.

Evermore's perspective;

After Red left to go see Speak Now I was left on my own, so I just kind of sat and thought about life for a little while until Folklore (My sister) came into my room crying.

"Hi Folklo- Hey what's wrong?" She laid down next to me and I grabbed her hand, which was kind of our 'thing'. I was never very comfortable with physical touch, but she was very much a hugger as a kid and still is now, so we met in the middle

"Eve I messed up,"

"Want to talk about it?" I asked.

"So Speak now told me that she has feelings for me, and I took too long to answer and she ran out and now I'm worried that we've ruined our friendship, or the chance of something more, and I really like her but I hesitated because I'm so much older and I didn't want to put her through another 'Dear John' situation." She rushed.

"You could never be like him, I promise. You should go talk to her, but give it some time to cool off first." I advised.

"Alright Eve I'll update you,"

"See you later,"

Lover's perspective;

I was really bored so I decided to go into Rep's room. She's my best friend and we spend most of our time together, but recently I feel like something has shifted. Yesterday when she was doing my eyeliner I felt really weird inside, almost like I was getting butterflies? But not like that because she's my friend. She has a very flirty nature about her, so sometimes I have to remind myself that she's not flirting with me and that's just her.

"Hi Reppy," I said, entering her room.

"Hey Luv, you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I was just thinking that we haven't had a sleepover in a while, can we have one tonight?" I asked.

"Sure, that'd be fun," She smiled at me. "You got a big bed recently so should we crash together? Only if your comfortable with it though, but come to think of it that's a stupid idea I'll bring a mattress-"

"No, I'd love that," I hugged her. "It'll be like the time we slept on the trampoline together, only without the rain," We both giggled at the memory.

"So my room at 7? Bring snacks," I continued.

"Sure," She grinned. I love her smile it's so cute, and her lips look so nice even when she doesn't have makeup on, I just wanna grab her and kiss her. As friends.

*At seven o'clock*

Rep knocked on my door and I shot up to let her in.

"Hi Reppy, come-" I stopped mid sentence when I opened the door, and I couldn't help but stare at her in her tank top and pyjama pants. " You look uh, really nice,"

"Thank you, I love your pyjamas as well," She entered. We decided on a movie and I gave her a blanket because it was cold, but she used it to cover both of us. After a few minutes of trying to concentrate but mostly just breathing in her perfume, I shuffled closer to her and laid my head on her shoulder. She put her arm around me and laid her head on top of mine, burying her face in my hair. She mumbled something into the top of my head, but I couldn't hear it because it was muffled.


"I uh... Doesn't matter"

"I wanna know now," I pouted, moving away from her.

She adjusted her position so she was sitting cross legged facing me.

"Look lover, I... I'm going to get straight to the point, I have feelings for you. I have liked you for a while now and I know you're not gay, but I needed to tell you because I couldn't keep it to myself for any longer or I was going to do something drastic," She said. I leant forward and she stretched out her arms, thinking I was going for a hug, but I connected our lips and I know it sounds cheesy, but I felt like something inside me just lit up.

After a minute, we pulled apart with our foreheads still connected, and I was gazing into her green eyes like nothing else in the world existed.

"I really like you too Reppy," I giggled. After a little while we laid down and I wrapped my arms around her from behind and spooned her, nestling my head into the back of her neck, and went to sleep like that.

Rep's perspective;

When I woke up in the morning I panicked for a second because I felt arms around me, but then I remembered what happened last night and grinned into my pillow. It finally happened. I just laid there and took it in until I felt Lover start to shift.

"Morning Luv," I said, rolling over to face her.

"Morning Reppy," She said sleepily, rubbing her eyes adorably. I reached out and kissed her quickly on the lips. "Yay, I was worried that last night was a dream and that didn't actually happen, but it did,"

"It sure did," I chuckled. Lover pulled me closer into her, and I blushed. One of the things I love about her is how clingy she is, which I haven't actually told anyone because they'd bully me for being a softie, which they do enough anyways.

As we were about to go down for breakfast, I stopped her.

"So, two questions; One, Are we like... Dating, or...? And also are we going to tell people about us?"

"I'm happy to tell people about us if you are, when do you want to do it?" she said.

"I think it'll come out in its own time," I grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door. "Come on, I'm hungry"

Breakfast was chaotic as usual, with about four separate arguments going on, so I decided to shut everyone up.

"Do you trust me" I whispered to lover, holding her hand under the table.

"Yes, why?" She replied. I smirked, then grabbed her face and kissed her. I was right, it shut everyone up. After a second of silence, everyone started talking at once
"Fucking finally"
"I'm so happy, you two are made for each other"
"Ew get a room"

Texting in gc;
Folklore 🩶; Congrats Rep and lover on officially getting together! Wishing you a happy and healthy relationship
Fearless 💛;what is bro yapping about
Evermore 🤎; let's not forget that you had to repeat kindergarten
Fearless 💛; oh shoot wait that was me
Evermore🤎; exactly my point
Lover 🩷; @ folklore thank you 😊😊🌸🌈

A/N pls comment any ideas and which eras you want more of idk what to write 😭

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