Chapter 10

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(Note; It's 3 nights since the party for all of them now)

Rep's perspective;

Once I realised that Lover was gone, I immediately went to alert everyone else. I got downstairs and barged into the kitchen, earning an eye roll from pretty much everyone.

"Look I know you guys hate me but-" I started

"Save it, we don't need an apology," Said 1989.

"No I'm not here to apologise-" Again, I got cut off.

"Just go upstairs and apologise to Lover, ok? You've hurt her enough," Red tried to wave me off.

"LISTEN TO ME, PLEASE!" I yelled out of desperation, which shut everyone up. "Sorry for yelling, but Lover is gone and she blocked me and I can't get hold of her," Everyone started talking at once, but eventually Evermore cut them off.

"Look guys, she hasn't blocked any of us so we can text her, I'll send her a text right now," She pulled out her phone and quickly sent a text asking Lover where she was. There was a moment of silence before we heard a ping from the next room, and everyone collectively raced to see whether it was a coincidence or whether Lover had left her phone behind. It turned out to be her phone, and everyone started talking at once again.

"Something bad could have happened to her, o-or she could be dead in a ditch, or w-what if she got kidnapped and its all going to be my fucking fault I fuck up everything I touch," I sunk down on the couch and started crying, head in my hands. The room went silent again. I think that was the first time any of them had seen me cry.

"Hey, that's not true," Debut sat down on the couch next to me. "You don't mess everything up, you just haven't really figured out life yet. We all make mistakes, but it's absolutely not your fault that Lover is gone. We will find her, don't give up." I smiled weakly at her.

"Why are you being so nice to me,"

"I know what it's like to not have any friends," She admitted, and I immediately felt terrible, knowing that I was one of the people who didn't want her around.

"I'm so sorry, come here," I pulled her in for a hug, still crying, and she patted my back softly. When we pulled away, I faced the rest of the people in the room. "I think I owe most of you an apology, I can kind of be a bitch sometimes, and I'm trying to work on it," 

"We accept your apology, but I think most of us are more concerned about Lover being missing than you being an ass at this present moment," Said Evermore. 

Debut's perspective;

"So uh, do you remember our conversation the night of the party?" Fearless asked before she put the movie on.

"Not really, what did we say?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. We were laying next to each other in my room, choosing a movie.

"Well uh... you asked me to be your girlfriend," She said, looking away. I didn't remember that at all but I knew she wouldn't lie, so I decided to trust her. "Does that still stand?" She looked back at me.

"Absolutely," I giggled as I leaned in and kissed her cheek. She smiled and moved closer to me.

"Now let's watch this movie," She pressed play and we began watching.
Halfway through the movie, I shuffled over so our sides were pressed together, and leant my head on her shoulder. She took my hand and rubbed her thumb across my palm. We stayed like that for the rest of the movie, and by the time it ended, it was pretty late.

"I'm worried about Lover," Fearless said, looking concerned.

"We'll find her soon, don't worry. There's nothing much we can do right now though, and it's getting late so do you wanna crash in my room for the night?" I offered.

"Sure, let me just go and get my pyjamas on first," She said. When she came back, I pulled the doona over us and she wrapped her arms around me. I rested my head in the crook of her neck and I eventually went to sleep with her softly playing with my hair. 

(Stop I'm actually so single it's not ok)

Lover's perspective; 

Whenever Karma was around, I just kind of gave up on having hope, willingly letting the emotion drain out of me. Eventually I stopped feeling it when she hit or punched me. I had bruises and cuts everywhere, and My limbs hurt too much to move. 

My lucky break came one night when she accidentally made me bleed to much. 

"Fuck why do bleed so much I'm going to have to move you now." 

"Ts your fault you cut me too much," I mumbled. 

"Less of the cheek missy, do you want me to punish you like I did last time?" She raised her eyebrows and I quickly shook my head. She picked me up and half dragged me to another room, letting me fall onto the floor. "I'll be back in an hour to make sure you haven't died," 

"Great to know you care about me so much," 

"Well I can't have my kidnapeè dying, I'd be alone," 

"Is that even a word?" I questioned. She shrugged and left, locking the door after her. I sighed and flopped onto the cold, hard ground, looking at the room around me. Eventually I noticed a small window facing the street below. I mustered the strength to stand up and used the windowsill to not fall over. People passed by for a while before a lady finally looked up and saw me. She looked concerned for a minute, then held up her phone in a question. I nodded frantically and watched as she punched numbers into her phone. 

After what seemed like hours of waiting, I heard a sharp rap on the front door, and heard it open creakily. 

"Hi my name is officer 1, We got a phone call saying that there was someone who had been suspected to be kidnapped here, do you mind if we take a look around?" One officer said. 

"Yes I do, this is my house," 

"That wasn't a question, I'm looking around." I heard doors opening and shutting, slowly getting closer to the room I was in. The door burst open and I shot up from my spot on the floor. 

"Are you the kidnapped person?" 

"Yes, yes I am," I said, my voice raspy from lack of water. 

"Alright let's get you back to the station," They took Karma away in handcuffs, and took me in the car to the police station. 


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