Chapter 15

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Red's perspective; 

By the time it reached 2pm we'd given up on him giving us lunch. 

"What if he doesn't give us food ever?" 

"He has to feed us eventually, if we die Taylor'll kill him," I shrugged, nonchalant.

"Stop it we're not going to die," Fearless glared at us. Her and Debut had been sitting on her bed talking for the whole time we'd been there, I think to distract Debut from being scared. They hadn't actually told us they were dating yet but it was pretty damn obvious. 

"Ok fine, what order do you think we'll be released in?" I asked. 

"Do you reckon she'll do it in the same order as we originally were?" 

"I think you'll find I'll be deciding what order you leave in ," The door swung open. "Here's lunch, I could hear you complaining,"  He threw in a couple of boxes of mac and cheese. 

"BITCH WE DON'T HAVE ANY WAY TO COOK THEM," Rep yelled at the closing door. 

"Guess we're eating cheese powder," I said

"We need Evermore here isn't she like a witch or shit?"1989 asked

"Do we have any way to heat water? There's a tap," I said, ignoring her comment. 

"Yeah easy, we can just conjure up a microwave. No we don't have a method go stick your head down the toilet," Rep flopped down on the bed. 

"No need to be a bitch about it I was trying to help, unlike you," 

"Sorry for not being blindly optimistic, you're so positive it's nauseating," She scoffed. 

"At least I'm not a softie," 

"Fuck off I'm not," 

"Ooh something hit a nerve," I teased

"At least I have a strong enough relationship to announce that we're dating," 

"You fucking cheated on her, do you call that a strong relationship? At least I don't get blackout drunk and hook up with whoever's nearest to me,"

"Um guys I think there's a little kitchen thing," Fearless' voice came from a little door no one had noticed. "It has a stove and a microwave and stuff," 

Lover's perspective;

The house was abnormally quiet with only Folklore, Evermore, Midnights and myself remaining. Midnight's didn't normally wake up until at least lunch time, and the other two didn't make much noise in general. 

It was also quite lonely, but luckily I had things to do. After lunch I said bye to Folklore and left the house to go to my first therapy appointment. I arrived and greeted the receptionist, Grace, then sat down to wait for her to call me. 

"Lover?" She poked her head out of the door and I stood up. "Come in," 

I walked in, looking around warily. She went to shut the door but I quickly made a motion to stop it closing fully, and she started scribbling down notes on her computer. 

"So we've had a brief overview of the situation from your girlfriend but it was quite vague," She started. "To get an idea of where you're at, are you comfortable talking about what happened?" 

I shook my head, words forming in my throat but getting caught before I could release them. I felt my eyes start to brim with tears, but clenched my jaw, refusing to let them fall. 

"Do you want a lolly from the jar?" She asked. Despite feeling like a five year old being bribed with treats, I reached over to grab one. I popped it in my mouth and she started talking again. "Think about what it tastes like," 

Raspberries, but mostly food colouring, I thought to myself

"What's the texture, is it smooth or bumpy?" 

Does it really matter, It's a lolly, can I just eat it in peace?  I continued to suck on it, staring at her without speaking. 

I managed to get through the whole session without once talking, listening to her awkwardly try to avoid questioning me directly while still aiming to get information out of me. 

When I got home, Rep texted me to ask if she could call. I smiled softly, walking upstairs and into my room before accepting the offer. 

"Hi babe," She greeted me.

"HI Reppy, how's the new place?" 

"Ugh don't even ask, it's fucking hell in here," She said scornfully. "How did your session go?" 

"I don't know, nothing bad happened..." I said, biting my lip. "I just kind of froze up and couldn't talk," 

"Aw that sucks, was she nice?" She asked, voice full of concern. Just hearing her talk made my eyes water again, this time I gave in and let some tears fall from my eyes. 

"She was nice I just- I just wish that none of this ever happened," I admitted. "And some people have real problems, there's wars going on right now and I-"

"Don't say that, your problem is very real,  most people never experience something like that ever," She looked at me through the screen. "I'm always here to talk before you get comfortable talking with her. Oh I have to go, I hear footsteps bye," 

She hung up abruptly, leaving me smiling at how sweet she was. 

Rep's perspective; 

"As I said before, you're a softie," Red laughed. 

Before I could answer, the door opened. 

"So tomorrow I'll be stocking the kitchen," He said, looking annoyed as per usual. 

"Why do you look so annoyed, you were the one who wanted us here," Speak Now pointed out.

"I regret it, you guys are annoying as hell," He shrugged. 

"Then let us out," Fearless pleaded.

"Nope no thanks, I'll just stock the cupboard for you, Taylor's paying for it," 

"Ok just leave you were going to anyways," I waved him off. 

That night I decided to scare Debut for funsies, because I knew I would get her good, she's so easy to get to. I felt a little bad because she was so scared, but she is literally a five year old at heart she needs to grow up. 

Sooo I snuck up behind her and put the pillow over her face and now everybody hates me 🤷🏼‍♀️

A/N; I'm sick rn so don't mind how disjointed and chaotic this is 

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