Chapter 34

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Lover's perspective; 

I was laying on my bed watching cute cat videos on my phone, when it started ringing, and I got so surprised that I dropped my phone on my face, accidentally accepting the facetime with my nose. 

"Nice angle," 

"Reppy!" I picked my phone up and scrambled to sit up, running my fingers through my tangled hair. There was a slit of sunlight peeking through the curtain, and if Rep was up then it meant it was pretty late in the day, even though I was still in my pyjamas. 

"Hi baby, how's it going? You look like you just woke up," She said. I grinned at her, rolling my eyes. 

"I'm fine, I woke up a while ago but I've just been lying in bed," I said. "My hair's such a mess," I groaned, inspecting the tiny square on the screen and attempting to pat it down but failing, I could hardly tell what part of me was what. 

"I would be less worried about your hair darling," She smirked, and I cocked my head in confusion. She tapped her chest and I gasped, quickly buttoning up my shirt, which must have come undone overnight without me realising, and was revealing more than I would have liked. 

"Rep," I scolded. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" 

"I was enjoying the view love," She shrugged offhandedly and I rolled my eyes for the second time in the span of a few seconds. 

"If you wanted to see my boobs you could've just asked," 

"Lover being dirty? Unheard of!" She gasped jokingly. "But moving on, there was actually a reason I called you,"


"I was talking to 1989 and she told me that Midnights got you high," She said. "I was just concerned, why didn't you tell me? You tell me everything!"

"Oh," I paused. "I forgot about that," 

I wasn't really the best person to do long distance relationships with, when I thought about it. I tended to get over excited, or really sad about things in the moment and forget to tell Rep after. 

"Sorry Rep, I totally didn't realise, I'm really sorry I'll tell you next time-"

"Hey Lover, calm down," She cut in. "It doesn't matter, really, I was just wondering if there was something wrong," 

"Okay," I said quietly. 

"Don't be sad, I promise I'm not mad at you baby," 

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely," She said gently. "So you promise there's nothing wrong?"

"I promise," 

"Now I gotta go eat breakfast, I love you," 

"Love you too Reppy," 

Red's perspective; 

I was finally leaving bicycle and going back home, after what felt like a year, but was really just under three months. Since he hadn't indicated to me what time I would be leaving, I was on edge all day waiting for the door to open. 

About lunchtime, the door swung open (dramatic as always), and he stood in the doorway. 

"I'm here! I'm coming!" I scrambled to gather my stuff together and stood up at the door. "I haven't seen real sunlight in 3 months, that's so weird," I remarked, following him up the hallway. 

"Don't make me regret letting you out," 

"Okay okay I'll be quiet," I motioned zipping my lips. He led me out of the house and to Taylor's car without speaking, and I heaved my bag into the boot, taking a moment to soak up the sun. 

I then repaid his gesture by flipping him off as I slipped into the car, closing the door with a chuckle. 

"Was he really that bad?" Taylor started the car and we both sat waiting for it to warm up, before he yelled something inaudible and shooed us away. I raised an eyebrow at her in an unspoken answer and she laughed before pulling out of the driveway. "Okay I see what you mean now,"

"I mean, he wasn't that bad to me particularly," I shrugged.

"What do you mean to you particularly? What happened?" She asked worriedly. I considered telling her about what happened with Debut, but I knew that she would drive back and get angry with him, which would be good, but he would probably take it out on one of the others. (Probably Debut again)

"Oh, nothing in particular, he just seems to have a grudge towards some of them," I said. "Rep in particular," It wasn't a lie, in fact he definitely did have something against Rep, but not for no reason. 

"Well she can be quite hard to get along with,"

"I think she's trying to get better at that actually," I said. I had noticed her talking with 1989 the previous day, and heard a little of it. 

"That's good, I was wondering when that would happen," She nodded, seemingly lost in thought, but snapping back when we arrived at home. I pulled my bag out of the boot, wheeling it up the driveway and knocking on the door with Taylor not far behind me. Folklore opened the door, briefly greeting me and pulling me into a hug before hollering to somewhere in the house. 


Evermore hurried down the stairs, and I stepped forwards and kissed her, wrapping my arms around her as she pulled me in by my waist. 

"Okay guys keep it PG you have an audience," Taylor stepped further in to the kitchen. "You don't mind if I stay for a cup of tea?" 

"No, feel free," Folklore waved everyone to sit down at the table. "Everyone sit down, I made cookies," Everyone followed the instructions, and it felt so nice to be back in a proper house with a table in our normal seats. 

"Okay, so I've heard that there's been some drama between a few people," Taylor said. Folklore choked on her tea and had to get thwacked on the back by Eve before responding, and Poets looked like a deer in headlights. 

"How did you- when did- who-" Folklore gave her a weird look. "Expand on what 'drama' you're talking about,"

"I was talking about what happened between you," She motioned to Fearless, "And a certain other who we unfortunately still have elsewhere," I watched as Poets sighed in relief, which confused me, and I made a note to ask Lover afterwards. 

"Oh, we made up about that," Fearless said. "Well, Folklore and I at least, not sure about anyone else," 

"Yeah you have Lover to thank for that," Folklore chimed in. 

"Well you've been very mature about the situation, I'm proud of you," She continued eating. "And as for the question of how I know, I have sources so don't go blaming each other," 

A/N; This took me way too long

Also 12.7K reads and 479 votes??? I actually can't thank you to whoever is still reading <3

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