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After the violent altercation, Joong, still seething with frustration, abruptly left the dimly lit room. Dunk, left alone with the scattered remnants of their encounter, seized the moment of temporary reprieve.

Dunk: (whispering to himself) "This might be my only chance to escape."

Despite the throbbing pain in his cheek, Dunk surveyed his surroundings, searching for any means of liberation. His eyes settled on a partially open window, a glimmer of hope in the oppressive darkness.

Dunk: (struggling against restraints) "Come on, come on."

With determination fueling his movements, Dunk managed to loosen the bindings on his wrists. The metallic clink of the restraints hitting the floor echoed through the room.

Dunk: (carefully approaching the window) "I have to be quiet. He can't know I'm escaping."

Dunk, now free from the confining restraints, cautiously approached the door that seemed to promise an escape from the room's suffocating darkness. The faint creak of the hinges marked his tentative entrance into what he hoped was freedom. However, the sight that awaited him shattered any illusions of a swift getaway.

Dunk: (whispering) "This has to be the way out."

As the door opened, the sickening stench of decay assaulted Dunk's senses. His eyes widened in horror as the dim light revealed a gruesome scene—the room was a chamber of death. Lifeless bodies, contorted in agony, lay scattered across the cold floor.

Dunk: (stumbling back) "No... no, this can't be happening."

In the midst of the chilling tableau, Joong emerged, his figure bathed in the eerie glow, holding an axe that dripped with fresh blood.

Joong: (smirking) "Welcome to my masterpiece, Dunk. The price of resistance is paid in blood."

The realization struck Dunk like a physical blow—the missing individuals, the mysterious disappearances—all had met a gruesome fate within the confines of this twisted nightmare.

Dunk: (backing away) "What have you done?!"

Joong: (raising the axe) "I've created a canvas of chaos, Dunk. Their sacrifices pave the way for our destiny."

In that harrowing moment, Dunk faced not only the horror of Joong's dark revelations but also the grim reality that escape was a fleeting hope, a twisted mirage in the labyrinth of madness.

𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 [JoongDunk]Where stories live. Discover now