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In the aftermath of Dunk's escape, the echoes of Joong's tormented cries lingered in the air. Unbeknownst to him, the authorities, spurred by Pond's frantic call, were closing in on the twisted lair where the nightmarish dance had unfolded.

Police Officer: (over radio) "We've located the missing person, Dunk. Proceeding with caution."

As the police cautiously approached the scene, the room bore the scars of the disturbing encounter—chains scattered on the floor, remnants of a dance that had teetered on the brink of madness.

Joong: (whispering to himself) "I can't let them take me. I won't go back to that darkness."

Driven by a desperate instinct for self-preservation, Joong, still entangled in the shadows of his traumatic past, attempted to slip away unnoticed. However, the encroaching police presence thwarted his misguided escape.

Police Officer: (spotting Joong) "Freeze! Hands where we can see them!"

The room, now a battleground between law and darkness, became the stage for a confrontation that would determine Joong's fate.

Joong: (panicking) "No, I can't go back! I won't!"

As Joong's futile resistance escalated, the police moved swiftly to subdue him. The twisted narrative that had unfolded in the shadows now faced the cold light of justice.

Police Officer: "You're under arrest for the abduction and endangerment of Dunk. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

As the handcuffs clicked into place, the room, once a chamber of horrors, witnessed the stark intervention of the outside world—a world that sought to untangle the webs of darkness that Joong had woven around himself.

As the police restrained Joong, the room bore witness to the final act of a twisted drama that had unfolded in the shadows. The air, thick with the residue of despair, held the echoes of Joong's anguished cries.

Joong: (struggling) "You don't understand! I did it for us, for our connection!"

The arresting officers remained resolute, escorting Joong out of the room and into the cold embrace of justice. The corridor, once a labyrinth of darkness, now marked the threshold between the world Joong had crafted and the reality he could no longer escape.

Police Officer: "Save it for the court, pal. You're gonna have plenty of time to explain yourself."

As Joong was led away, the room became a silent testament to the tumultuous intersection of twisted desires and the uncompromising pursuit of justice.

Dunk: (appearing from the shadows) "What the hell happened here?"

Dunk, now free from the clutches of the nightmarish encounter, surveyed the room with a mixture of confusion and relief.

Police Officer: "Are you Dunk?"

Dunk: (nodding) "Yeah, that's me. What's going on?"

The police officer proceeded to fill Dunk in on the unfolding events—the desperate search, the mysterious Joong, and the twisted dance that had led to Joong's arrest.

Dunk: (shaking his head) "I never want to see that guy again. Whatever he was after, it's not something I want any part of."

As the police secured the scene and prepared to transport Joong to face the consequences of his actions, Dunk stepped away from the room, leaving behind the echoes of a nightmarish encounter that would forever linger in the recesses of his memory.

𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 [JoongDunk]Where stories live. Discover now