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As the night unfolded into an ominous tableau of horror, Dunk's absence did not go unnoticed. His friend, Pond, grew increasingly frantic, a knot of worry tightening in his stomach as he realized Dunk was nowhere to be found.

Pond: (panicking) "Dunk would never just disappear like this. Something's wrong."

Fueled by a sense of dread, Pond's trembling hands dialed the emergency number. The dispatcher's voice echoed through the phone, a lifeline in the darkness.

Dispatcher: "911, what's your emergency?"

Pond: (anxious) "My friend's missing! I don't know where he is, and I'm really worried. Please, you have to help!"

The urgency in Pond's voice prompted a swift response from the police, who mobilized to investigate Dunk's mysterious disappearance.

Dispatcher: "Stay on the line. We're sending someone to help. Can you provide any information about his last known whereabouts?"

Pond: (frantically) "He mentioned meeting someone, someone named Joong. I don't know anything else. Please find him!"

As Pond poured out the scant details, a sense of helplessness settled over him. The corridor of unknown horrors where Dunk struggled against Joong's twisted desires remained hidden from his friend's desperate search.

Dispatcher: "Help is on the way. Stay calm, and we'll do everything we can to find your friend."

In the eerie silence that followed, Pond clung to the fragile hope that the police would unravel the nightmarish mystery and bring Dunk back from the abyss that had swallowed him whole.

The police, armed with the limited information Pond provided, embarked on a frantic search for Dunk. The night air buzzed with tension as officers scoured the city, their flashlights cutting through the darkness in pursuit of any clues that could lead them to Dunk's whereabouts.

Police Officer: (speaking into radio) "Keep an eye out for any signs of suspicious activity. We need to find this missing person."

Meanwhile, Pond anxiously paced in his living room, his mind filled with a torrent of worries. The seconds felt like hours as he awaited any news from the authorities.

Pond: (whispering to himself) "Dunk, where are you? Please be okay."

As the search intensified, the police delved into Dunk's connections, questioning friends, acquaintances, and anyone who might have information about the mysterious Joong.

Detective: (to Pond) "We're doing everything we can to locate Dunk. If you remember anything else or if there's anyone else, he might have mentioned, let us know."

Pond: (frustrated) "I don't know! This Joong person, it's like he came out of nowhere. Dunk never talked about him before."

The weight of uncertainty pressed on Pond's shoulders, a constant reminder of Dunk's perilous situation.

Detective: "We'll find him, Pond. Stay strong. We're using every resource available."

As the night wore on, the city became a labyrinth of possibilities, each corner holding the potential key to Dunk's location. The search for Dunk unfolded in a desperate race against time, a race that would determine whether the darkness looming over him could be pierced by the light of rescue.

𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 [JoongDunk]Where stories live. Discover now