Jisung, a poor boy that lost his family, they just disappeared. Everyone tought that he killed them. He was at a lost case, almost ending his life. He was basically forgotten. But when that one guy transferred.. everything changed.
⚠︎TW: mental abus...
Minho and Jisung arrived fairly quickly, the roads cleared up a bit despite the early hour.
The younger was still sleeping so Minho had to carry him inside, not that he was complaining. Jisung is still like a feather - light, soft and fragile.
After entering their now shared home, Minho laid the younger on the couch, covering him up with a blanket. He took their bags and put them in their designated rooms.
Just when he was about to change, his phone light up. His mothers number showing up on the screen.
'Mom❤️' is calling.. XXX-XXX-XXX (S - Sunmi (Minhos mom) M- Minho)
S: Hi sweetie, your teacher called and said that you went home. Is everything alright?
M: Oh yeah I'm fine. But I guess there's something that you and dad schould know about...
S: Huh? What is it? Should we come over? We still have some time until we have to go to the company.
M: If you could then yes please. It would be easier to talk about in person.
S: Of course sweetie, we'll be there in a minute. See you
M: Yeah see you..
Call with 'Mom❤️' ended lasted 01.46 min
'This will be hard..' Minho tought.. 'Should I wake up Jisung? I don't want to talk about it without him knowing.. he trusts me..'
Without much tought he went to wake up the sleeping boy. He shook him lightly earning a little groan.
"Hm??... Minho? W-what happened?.." he asked
"Oh you fell asleep, Mr. Park told us that we could go home for the day. And um my- my parents will be over here in a while.. I kind of forgot to tell them that you'll be staying here..." Minho stated feeling nervous and embarassed that he forgot to tell his own parents. They are lovely people so it shouldn't be a problem but still.
"Y-your parents?? Oh God please no.. I look like shit Min~" he whined.
The older only chuckled hearing the doorbell go off. Jisung quickly stood up trying to make himsefl look presentable.
"Hi mom. Hi dad." Minho greeted his parents.
"Hi sweetie, how are y- ooh and who's that?" his mom asked.
When Jisung saw them he immediately tensed up. Minho's mother was beautiful and one of the most known models in Korea at the moment. Well now he knows where the older got his visuals.
"Uhm g-good morning.. My name is Han Jisung and I-" he bowed but got cut off by Minho
"Jisungie lives with me." he smiled.
"Oh? Nice to meet you Jisung. My name is Lee Sunmi, Minho's mom. And this is my husband Minjun." the woman greeted, her husband only smiled.
"So sweetie you wanted to talk about something?" she asked going over to sit on the couch, her husband going after her.
"Um mostly about Sungie living with me, it's fine right?"
"Of course it is! Also are his parents okay with it?"
"Uhm about that-" the older started
"I don't have parents."
"Oh.. I'm sorry honey I didn't know.." her smile faded.
"Ah it's fine.. you see they went missing. Now they're assumed dead but I want to belive that they are still alive somewhere." the youngest said with a small smile. Dori came and jumped on his lap making him laugh a little.
"Mmh we understand. Just so you know we appreciate you living with our son. I'm glad he made some friends, it was always a trouble for him.." Minhos father spoke up for the first time
"I really like Minho, he's been only nice to me. It's good to live with someone." the mentioned boy smiled.
The four chatted for a bit, until it was time for the parents to leave. They gave Jisung their numbers in case of any emergencies. Seeing the boys phone that's probably older than Minho's cats, made them realize how poor this boys life was. Hearing him say what his relatives did was heart wrenching and made Sunmi want to cry.
They were happy that Jisung found Minho. Happy that Minho found Jisung.
I tried writing in 3rd person pov today, it's nice but I think I prefer the 1st pov. Idk it sometimes makes it easier. Or I love combining them both. Weird isnt it?
Also how are you doing? Anyhting good happened recently?
Have a good day/night!💕
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