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3 years later. (2027)

3rd person pov.

"Minho do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." the mentioned man said with tears in his eyes.

Right now the most important things in his life was happening. Hs is marrying Jisung.

"Jisung do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." the younger said smiling also with tears in his eyes.

"You may now kiss the husband." the priest said looking at the couple.

Without any tought the boys leand in to kiss. It was filled with lots of emotions, all they craved for. It made them think back to their fist kiss, that took a part 4 years ago.

Loud cheers erupted behind them, the couple separated and looked into each others eyes, smiling.

"I love you Lee Minho."

"I love you, Lee Jisung." the older smirked.

They went down the aisle to find their friends and family.

After announcing to Minho's parents that they were dating, they started to search for Jisung's parents as well. To no avail, there was nothing.

Their wedding wasn't big, it was really small. There were Minho's parents and some other family members and their friends. Like 30 in total?

They held the ceremony on a pretty flower field, it was summer so they could enjoy the nice weather.

"Oh my God guys you look so good! Ah and congratulations!!" Felix said literally throwing himself on the couple.

"I'm so so so proud of you Jisung. You don't even know how thankful I am to Minho. I love you both a lot." the freckled boy whishpered into his best friend's ear making him tear up more.

"Thank you Lixie.. I love you too.." the sunshine twins hugged for way too long to their boyfriends liking.

"Congratulations son... We are so proud of you and we're so glad that it's Jisung. You two make a lovely pair." Minho's mom said squishing Jisung's cheeks.

"You better treat him well Minho." his dad said with a serious expression that soon became a playful one.

"Of course I will dad. How could I ever hurt Jisung, I love him too much."

The rest of the family and friends congratulated the pair. After spending some more time at the field it started getting dark so they headed to the small venue.

It was all flowery themed, the couple sure loved to go on picnics, to pick up some fresh flowers. They just had some sort of connection with them.

And finally the party started. Felix of course gave drinks to everyone, getting drunk first. The married couple didn't even get the chance to have their first dance because of the aussie, but they didn't complain.

The boys had a little reunion, talking ovet various things. Of course some of them kept in touch but everyone had their lives now and they were hella busy.

Chan, Changbin and Jisung still produced together but only sometimes. Jisung was more of a solo producer now, he did his own songs or songs for k-pop groups.

Minho became a physical therapist. He gave up the doctor career, he wanted to spend more time with Jisung.

Overall they were doing fine. They both enjoyed what they did and were happy to be with each other. The cats became even closer to Jisung since he worked from home a lot. Minho was jealous but happy to see his cats get so attached to his loved one.


The newlyweds came home at like 3 am, kinda wasted and tired but still happy.

"I love you Jisung." Minho said back hugging his husband.

"Mmh I love you too Minho... but 'm tired.. can we sleep please?" the younger said struggling to take off his suit. Minho who was more sober, rushed over to help him.

"Of course and... there you go. Change into your pj's and we're going to cuddle." he kissed Jisung's forehead taking his own sleepwear.

They changed and snuggled up in the bed with the A/C turned on. It was pretty hot at night and the close proximity of their bodies hugging didn't help.

When they finally got into a comfy position the door opened and a set of small steps was heard on the floor. Soon Kimchi was scratching her head on Jisung's leg, probably to get his attention because she was hungry.

"Mhm Kimchi~ please let me sleep I'll give you lots of food tomorrow.. okie?" the cat meowed in return and settled down.

"Good night Minnie.. I love you so much.." Jisung kissed his husband.

"Good night baby, or should I call you hubby?" the older laughed watching the slightly disgusted expression on the others face.

"Ew. I prefer either Sungie or baby. Please and thank you. Now if you excuse me I need my beauty sleep." Minho laughed and kissed the boy's head, also going to sleep.

Their first night as husbands. It couldn't be better.


1 or 2 more chapters left... Im getting sad lol.

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