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Minho pov.

I woke up on the couch in an uncomfortable position, my whole back and neck hurting. But the pain goes away when I see Jisung sleeping peacefully. His eyes closed with his long eyelashes resting on his cheeks, one of them is squished on my chest which I find adorable.

As I put my hand up to brush Jisungs hair back he begans to stir around. Soon opening his eyes and adjusting to the lighting.

"Good morning sunshine~" I smile

"Mmh morning, what time is it?" he replies with a deep morning voice which I did not expect. Reaching over for my phone I answer his question.

"It's 7 AM, pretty early I must say." He just looks at me with half-lidded eyelids.

"How did you sleep?" I ask

"Mmh just fine, a little uncomfy but comforting? I don't know if it even makes sense-" I giggle at him rambling

"Don't worry~ it does make sense.
How about we go get some tea to wake you up?"

"Tea? Isn't coffee more for waking up?" he asks standing up carefully

"It sure is but the Doc said you shouldn't drink too much. Might not work well with your meds. Ooh! That reminds me, we'll stop by the pharmacy today too, I need some basic meds as well." I inform taking out two mugs. Mine is black in kitten paw prints - it's my favourite! I got it from my mom. Jisungs is a plain baby blue mug

"Ooh okay. At what time will we go?"

"Hmm I'm not sure.. How about around ten? We'll have just enough time to do our shopping so we'll have time to get ready for school tomorrow."

"Ughhh I don't wanna go to schoooool.." he groans laying his head on the counter. I ruffle his hair a little seeing a pout appear.

"Same Sung.. But we'll get through this! We don't have any tests this week so it will be more of a resting one."  he only hums happily in response, still too tired to move.

"Here is your tea Sungie" I hand him the baby blue mug

"Thank you Minho." he smiles blowing lightly to take a sip after.
"Mm its good."

"I'm glad you like it. Also I'm gonna make some toasts, do you want some?"

"Oh maybe just one, I'm not very hungry.."

"That's fine, any toppings or plain?" I ask taking out some toppings for myself

"Hm plain should be fine, thank you.
I'm gonna go to the restroom real quick"

I just hum setting the table. We still had a pretty big amount of time before going out. I looked out the window to check the weather. I must say it looks pretty nice. Even tho it's the middle of autumn.

"I'm back, shall we dig in?" Jisung asks sitting down, I smile at him in return taking a bite of my toast.

After finishing our breakfast we both get ready and head out to do some shopping.


So my album arrived and-

my pulls- god I love them💕 Seungmin is my bias and I literally bias wreck the rest so I'm happy with anything~

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my pulls- god I love them💕 Seungmin is my bias and I literally bias wreck the rest so I'm happy with anything~

Also also I just got like an urge to write another book, like right now.
This one doesnt even have an ending but I already have so many ideas TT

𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 // 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐Where stories live. Discover now