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Jisung pov.

I was woken up by my alarm, gosh this sound really does annoy me.. Yesterday we were out for like 6 hours and when I say I was tired, I really mean it.

First we went to the pharmacy, getting my meds and some 'basic' ones that Minho needed. Afterwards we headed to the shopping centre, Min insisted to buy me some new clothes. I've already stolen one of his hoodies for today, mine are too thin.

I actually wanted to pay for most of the things with my own money, but whenever I was about to get my card out Minho was faster. Damn those rich people.

In the end I really enjoyed it, but it was also tiring. Being out for such a long time, walking from shop to shop and interacting with others. If not Minho I would have died there.

As for today, it's monday.
Which means-

I don't want to go.
I just feel so tired but not in a physical way, more mentally drained. If I could I would stay home all day, cuddling and watching movies with Minho and his cats. But that was not an option for today. Sadly.

I finally decided to get up and walk to the kitchen where I saw Minho making breakfast already.

"Good morning Min" I greeted with my slightly raspy voice

"Mm morning Sungie, how did you sleep?" he asked smiling as I sat on the counter behind him.
(a/n if yall are confused I actually have a plan of Minhos apartment- ik its weird ik. just let me be.)

"Hmm just fine, I don't wanna go to school tho~"

"Aw it'll be fine Sungie, I'm gonna be with you all day." he giggled.

"But still~ the tought of going there makes me even more tired.." I said jumping off the counter and sitting at the table.

Minho put two bowls with yogurt and granola and fruits on a little plate next to our now usual teas.

"Mmh we'll get through it, also I don't know what fruit you like or prefer so I've put them on the side." he said smiling and grabbing some strawberries in his bowl.

"Mh thank you Min~ and I'm fine with anything really."

After we both ate and got ready we went outside to Minhos car. Before actually going out he insisted on me wearing one of his jackets, as it was colder today. At first I kindly refused but he literally put it on me.

Makes me remember our first meeting where he followed me outside and made me wear his hoodie. Well guess some things never change!

At school~

When we got inside the building I could feel everyones eyes on me. It made me think-
'Do I look bad today?'
'Have I gained weight and I'm fat now?'
'Or maybe they don't want me around Minho...'
'Maybe all of those??..'

I got snapped out of my thoughts by Minho calling my name. I looked around seeing our homeroom teacher looking at me worriedly.

"O-oh good morning Mr. Park, i-is there a problem?" I asked, feeling anxious. Minho put his hand on my shoulder masaging it lightly, probably to make me calm down - it worked a little.

"Yeah Jisung, your aunt and uncle came here just 30 minutes ago. They told me that you ran away.. Jisung is it true? And if it is please tell me why.." Mr. Park said looking at me with pity in his eyes. But all I could think about was those fuckers. Do they really think they can show up like that after calling me out and telling me to move out? Plus I'm already 18 what's their deal.

"U-uhm I-I didn't run away... they were the ones who told me to move out..." I spoke quietly not trusting my voice. Even tho I wanted to sound calm, it turned out more angry.

"Huh?? But your aunt was crying her eyes out? Also your cousins seemed pretty worried too." Mr. Park continued

"Hah... they were always good at acting..
Um I'm sorry Mr. Park but it's not true, besides I'm 18 already so basically an adult. I can move out if I want to. And I did just that." I said trying to sound confided, which I think I succeed because Minho smiled at me mouthing a small 'good job sungie' before patting my shoulder.

"If that's the case... how about we talk it out in my office? Minho you can go to class and tell others to just study or chat."

"W-wait! Can Minho come with me?" I asked unsure

"Hm will that make you feel better?"

"Oh yeah.. I think his presence makes me just more at ease?" I saw Minho smiling at me sweetly.

"Okay than boys, let's go. I'll send someone over to your class to watch over them."

And just like that we went over to Mr. Parks office. Gosh I'm stressed.


Waah long time no see! Seungmin in the building~

Anyways how have you been?
It's just fine for me, also sorry for not updating I've been over at my aunts for like 5 days so I didn't really have time to write~

Also I know that this chapter is a little longer but I just couldn't find a good place to end it. Hope it doesn't bother you TT

Have a good day/night!💕

Have a good day/night!💕

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