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1 year later. (2024)

3rd person pov.

After graduating the group of 8 went to the same college, Chan, Changbin and Jisung are majoring in music - something Jisung dreamt of.

Felix and Hyunjin major in fashion, not gonna lie it suits them.

And Finally Minho, Seungmin and Jeongin major in biology - something Minho really wanted.

The boys couldn't be happier, everything was going so well for them.

Minho and Jisung were in a happy and healthy relationship. Of course they had fights, but they solved them quickly - you know, communication is key.

Their babies were growing well, Kimchi was eating a lot as always and the other cats were jealous because she has all of Jisung's attention. They started to like the boy a lot, wanting his attention too - kind of abandoning Minho.

"Morning Minnie~" Jisung said back hugging Minho who was making breakfast.

"Good morning sweetie, slept well?" he asked returning the hug.

"Mhmm.. but I'm still tired.. I would much rather stay in bed all day."

"Same Sungie.. But you don't have classes until like 2pm, and it's friday."

"Yeah but I have to go to the studio with Chan and Bin after.. We are recording something for a project."

"Ooo will you show me later?" Minho asked with his puppy eyes. He loved listening to his boyfriend's voice, whether it was singing or rapping.

"Sure~ also how about we go out tomorrow? We haven't been on a date for such a long time..."

"Hehe sure, we can go to the movies? I heard there's a new horror coming out."

"Oh my yess, I know which one you're talking about. Should I pre book the seats?"

"If you want to~ also could you prepare the table? I'm almost ready."

"Okay~ but first I'll feed the kids quickly, I can already hear Kimchi crying for food."

The couple ate in a comfortable silence, enjoying their meal.

"Hey Min could you give me a ride to school? Chan texted that he's going to be late today."

"Sure why not. I can pick you up too."

"Mhm it's fine, I'll see how it goes. Thank you." Jisung kissed Minho's cheek getting a kiss in return.

They both got ready and Minho drove Jisung to school, Minho himself had free fridays.

after school~

"Hi baby, how was school and the recording?" the older asked ruffling Jisungs already messy hair.

"Hii, it was just fine. Kinda tired from but we have the demo ready!" he exclaimed happily.

"That's good Sungie, I'm proud of you. Also do you want to eat out or order something?"

"Um I'm not really feeling like eating out.. how about we just order a pizza?"

"Sure. How about a movies night? We can watch some horrors to get ready for tomorrow."

"Yesss I'd love to. Thank you Min, I love you." Jisung kissed Minho's cheek who's blushing furiously while driving.

" I love you too Sungie. Let's get home now."

After a short ride the couple arrived home. Jisung went to take a shower and change while Minho ordered the pizza and set up their couch to be comfy. He got lots of blankets and pillows knowing that the cats will watch with them.

The pizza arrived in no time. The boys were wearing their matching pajamas - Minho's parents bought it for them for Christmas last year. They were of course cat themed.

Jisung snuggled up in blankets having Minho's arm around his shoulders. They ate while watching the film - it wasn't really scary, maybe because they've watched so many already that they barely get scared now.

At midnight their 3rd film finished, the boys were tired by now but too comfy to move to their bed.

"Hey Sungs.. how about we just sleep.. here?" Minho asked with his eyes almost closing.

"Mmh sure.. goodnight Minnie." the younger kissed his boyfriend and laid on his chest - the sound of Minho's heartbeat calms him down.

They had a really peaceful night. Well not really because at 5 am the cats were hungry.

the next day~

"Hey Sungs, when does the movie start?"

"At 5pm I think, it's about 2 hours long-" the younger replied styling his hair.

"Mkay, do you wanna go out earlier to just look around or go to a cafe?" Minho asked back hugging his boyfriend.

"Sure. How about we go to the new cafe next to the mall? I heard it's a cat cafe~" Jisung wiggled his eyebrows, seeing Minho's eyes light up immiediatly at the mention of cats.

"Yes please let's go. Should we get ready, hm?" he kissed the younger head softly, inhaling his favourite strawberry scent.

"Okay, let's match today." they laughed and went on their little date.

There were a lot of cats in the cafe, not to mention their coffee - it was delicious. Jisung of course got some cheesecake while Minho some chocolate cake.

They played with the cats and took lots of pictures, they enjoyed it a lot.

Later they arrived at the movie theather and got some more snacks. The film overall was really good but not too scary, the jump scares were predictable.

"Waah it was nice." Jisung said strechting out after sitting for more than 2 hours.

"Yeah I also liked, even the screams were good and that's something rare!" the older laughed.

"Woah it's getting warmer... I can't belive it's almost spring.."

"Yeah... time sure flies by, I still remember the day I transferred. You were so tiny and shy." Minho cooed at the smaller boys frown which was soon replaced with a smile.

"And I remember how extroverted you were, it was giving me anxiety."

"Aw you know I was like that only towards you.. I was literally called the meanest among the other students."

"And I'm glad you were so desperate to be friends with me, because now I have a loving boyfriend, friends and a family."

"Don't forget about our kids.." Minho sulked to which Jisung scoffed. That boy really loves his cats.

"Yeah yeah I love the kids too, I hope they love me back by now.."

"Mhm I'm sure they do~ but no one loves you more than me!" Minho almost yelled kissing Jisung after.

"I love you Sungie."

"I love you Min."


yall Lee Know sang Love me or Leave me and I'm dying. Gosh I love skz and day6 so much and hiz voice?! it's so good~

 Gosh I love skz and day6 so much and hiz voice?! it's so good~

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