Jisung, a poor boy that lost his family, they just disappeared. Everyone tought that he killed them. He was at a lost case, almost ending his life. He was basically forgotten. But when that one guy transferred.. everything changed.
⚠︎TW: mental abus...
The rest of the week went by really fast. After shopping with our friends both me and Sungie were exhausted. We both bought some Christmas presents for our friends and each other, I just don't have anything for my parents.. Well I hope that Sungie could help me bake something for them.
"Hey Sungie" I peeked thru his door to see him sitting at his desk, drawing something?
"Huh? O-oh hi, hi Min. What's up?" he quickly hid his drawing - I suppose - and went to me.
"I was just thinking if you want to help me bake some cookies for my parents, they don't really want anything so~"
"O sure I'd like to help! Could you just wait a minute, I'll change into something else"
"Yeah of course" I left his room and went to the kitchen to get ready.
After 10 minutes Jisung came out of his room, wearing a plain T-shirt with some sweatpants, he also had his squirrel slippers on. Cute.
"What are we making? Cookies?" he asked
"Mhm, I was thinking about making normal sugar ones and some chocolate ones. I've found a fairly easy recipe, so let's get started?" Jisung giggled and went to get the mixer with a bowl. (finger licking yeah we cooking up a super bowl)
We started by making the dough - flour, baking soda and baking powder, some butter, sugar and eggs.
Of course it was a messy process. Jisung got flour all over himself at which I couldn't stop laughing. It was a bad idea to laugh.
"WAH! HEY JISUUNG!! Why did you blow flour on me?!"
"Hehe you deserve it! Now we are both all covered up~"
I groaned and finished kneeling the douhh.
We divided it into two and added some cocoa powder to one of them. Now they have to sit in the fridge for a while. And finally we just have to cut the cookies out.
We put them into the oven for 15 minutes or until they are ready.
"Woah they smell so good~" Jisung said almost drooling over them, this sight made me laugh
"Aish Min what are you laughing at?" he asked me angrily
"Ahh it's just that you looked really cute~ Drooling all over the cookies like you haven't eaten in ages"
"What can I do? They smell and look sooo so so so sooo good!"
We both laughed and chatted for a bit, waiting for the cookies to cool down so we can decorate them later.
"Min do you think they are cold now?"
"Hmm they should be, how about we check and taste them?" the younger smiled immiediatly nodding his head.
"Oh god they are so good~ they smell and look just as good as they taste. Min we did such a good job your parents are going to love them."
"I'm glad you like them, you helped me after all. They wouldn't be so good if not you"
"Argh stop it, you're making me flustured.."
Jisung was standing in front of the cookies, and suddenly I just felt the urge to hug him. So I did it.
"Everything alright?" he asked worriedly
"Mm everything's good.. I just wanted to hug you"
"Okay. It feels nice." even tho I didn't see, because I was hugging him from behind, I could feel him smiling.
After a while he turned around and hugged me back, putting his arms around my neck, his head resting on my chest.
"Are you tired?" I asked stroking his hair that is so fucking soft..
"A little..."
"How about we decorate them later and go watch something now? Hmm?"
"With cuddles?" I chuckled at him.
"Yeah.. With cuddles."
Our evening was calm. Cuddling and watching some dramas. Later we finished up the cookies and packed them.
At like 11 pm. we went to sleep. Together, for the second time, cuddling.
I really enjoy this.
~~~~ Double update hehe, I'm updating a lot these days cuz I know I wont have much time when school starts TT
wah I love them so much TT pls help me I might die~
Have a good day/night!
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