family dinner. (end)

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3rd person pov.

A week later, it was time for the family dinner.

Minho and Jisung were now getting ready to head out. It wasn't anything formal so they just wore their matching sweaters and some suit pants, looking good and being comfy.

"We look good Min." Jisung said as his husband back hugged him.

"We sure do, as always." the older stated kissing Jisung's head, inhaling the strawberry scent in the process.

"Let's go, I hope everything will be fine.."

"Sungie remember, if you ever feel uncomfortable just tell me. We'll leave and go get some ice cream hm?" Gosh Minho knows him so well.

"Thank you Minnie. I love you" he pecked his lips.

They put their jackets on, took an ootd pic, (as always) they said goodbye to their kids and went out.

The ride was around 30 minutes long - Jisung's parents lived a little bit further away from the city center.

They stood in front of the small house, it was a different one than the one they lived in 10 years ago.

"You ready baby? I think that everyone should be inside by now.." Minho said taking Jisung's hand in his. The younger nodded and knocked on the door. It opened after a while. There stood a young woman - Jinni.

"Oh my God.." she gasped covering her mouth. Well it's been 10 year since they saw each other, he was a grown up now.

"Um hi?" he waved awkwardly.

The woman rushed to hug him, sobbing in the meantime. Jisung hugged back after a while, still being a little unsure.

"I missed you Jisung... Gosh you're so big now but still not taller than me." she giggled. Jisung giggled back and hit her lightly. After separating from the hug she spoke up again.

"And who is this young man?"

"This is Minho - my husband." Jisung smiled widely showing off their rings again. Jinni gasped.

"Hi, I'm Lee Minho and well- we sure are married. Nice to meet you." the older smiled widely loving how confident Jisung has become.

"Damn Jisung.. you got yourself a man.. Well nice to meet you and I'm happy for the two of you. Should we go inside? Everyone is here already." they both nodded and took off their jackets and shoes, placing them next to each other.

They walked through the corridor into the dining room. There was loud chatter and laughter coming from the room, Jisung tensed up a little to which Minho kissed his cheek.

As they entered, silence filled the room. Everyone was staring, mostly his aunt.

They both bowed slightly not knowing what to say. Jisung's mom stood up and went to hug the pair.

"Okay since everyone is here how about we catch up a little?"

"Han.. is that you?" his aunt asked.

"Well not really- I'm a Lee now." he said proudly sitting down, making Minho blush and cover his face a little.

"What did you say?" now his uncle spoke up, looking a little... disgusted?

"I'm a Lee now. Me and Minho are married."

And the silence again. Everyone was looking at the pair as Jisung just sipped on his bubble tea they got on their way. Without any tought he offered the drink to Minho who also took a sip.

"Aish why are you so stiff? My son is married we should be happy right? Well let's start with the dinner now." Mr. Han said going to the kitchen, Jinni helped her bring out the dishes.

They ate while chatting from time to time untill Jisung's grandfather asked about their work, everyone seemed to be curious about the pair - as always.

"Well I'm a producer. I write lyrics and compose music, it's something I always wanted to do."

"But is it a lasting job? Won't it disappear from the society sooner or later?" his aunt asked.

"Of course it is. I've been in the industry for 4 years already and I have a nice career. I'm writing songs for some od the best selling groups right now." he said proud of himself, well not only Jisung was proud but Minho too. So so proud.

"Oh.. that's nice? And what about you Minho?" the grandfather continued.

"I'm a PT - a physical therapist. I studied medicine and wanted to be a doctor at first but I know how their life's are and I like being with Jisung at home. So I ended up being a PT which I don't complain about, it's a nice job." Minho said impressing some of the family members. He seemed smart and well he is.

"That's good. It's important to love what you do." Jisung's grandmother smiled sweetly at them.

The dinner continued for an hour more, they mostly asked about the Lee's since they seemed perfect.

Jisung got to meet his sisters fiancé, he seemed just fine but Jisung still prefered his Minho.

Jisung's parents insisted on them staying for the night but they had to refuse, saying that their kids miss them. They got some weird looks but quickly cleared it up telling them that their kids = their cats.

"Thank you Minho." Jisung said sitting in the car.

"Aish Sungie why do you always thank me so much?"

"Well I'm really thankful and I don't know how I can repay you.."

"Baby you know that your love is the best thing I could ever get.. and I really love you." the older said putting his hand over the others.

"I love you too." he kissed the older's cheek.

They got home with big smiles on their faces.

Finally everything went back to normal.

Jisung was no longer forgotten.

The end.


I guess that's the end.

Thank you everyone for reading, this is my first book so there are a lot of things to edit but I'm just happy that I got to write this TT

I have another minsung book in my drafts but I was thinking about writing about others as well, any ideas?

Have a nice day/night!

Author out :)

𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 // 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐Where stories live. Discover now