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I doubled over as the pain rushed through my body. It was excruciating pain...a pain that I've never felt before.

"W-whats happening to me" I stutter

He just stared at me. His pale skin and dark hair. His eyes... bright green. Its like they were glowing.

"please help" I beg "make it stop" I shut my eyes as the pain worsened

"You'll understand soon" he said "I'm sorry"

When I opened my eyes, he was gone. The heat going through my body was intense. I could hardly breathe.

"Someone help" I cry out


"Wake up" I feel someone shake me "hey wake up"

I open my eyes and I'm in an unfamiliar room and a tall brunette is standing over me. She smiles at me "good you're awake"

I look around confused... How'd I get here? Then look at her and remember last night.

I slide back in fear "get away from me"

"I won't hurt you" she says sweetly "I promise"

My pain has since disappeared but my burns horribly.

"Who are you" I struggle to get out because my throat

"I'm Hailee"

" throat its burning" I swallow "really bad"

"You probably need to feed"


"Hold on" she leaves and minutes later, returns

She hands me a cup "drink'll help"

I examine the dark liquid "what is this"

"Just trust me Sabrina"

How does she know my name? That's a bit strange but it just shake it off.

I lift the cup up to my lip. I hesitate for a moment and then drink it.

The warm liquid soothes my burning throat. It had sort of a metallic all too familiar taste.

I continue to drink it until I can recognize the taste. I widen my eyes and drop the drink, watching as the liquid covers the floor.

"Is that blood" I shout

She sighs and shakes her head "look I'm not cleaning that up"

"Why would you give me blood" I yell

"Calm down please"

"No I'm not wh-" she puts her hand on my shoulder and looks into my eyes. Instant relief washes over me.

"'d you do that" I ask

"Its a special gift" she smirks

I nod and stand up still looking into her eyes "can you please tell me where I'm at"

"All you need to know is that you're still in Hollow Waters"

"Can I go home"

"That wouldn't be a good least not yet"

"Why not"

"You uh... Its hard to explain but you need to stay here. You'll meet Mr. Greene later... He'll explain"


"Come with me" she extends her hand

I stare at her for a few seconds and then take it.

She leads me into another room where there are other kids.

They looked around my age so that's good. When we entered all their eyes focused on me.

"Hey Hailee" a tall, skinny girl smiled "who's this"

"Hey Rowan this is Sabrina"

"Is she a newborn" she says happily

Her eyes....I wouldn't say they were brown...more like golden rays circling an eclipse. They were like a sunset of their own.

I look around and notice that they all have really pretty eyes. They all were so hypnotizing.

I snap out of my thought and focus back on the girl.

"what's a newborn?" I ask

"Yeah she's definitely one. Her scent is still very strong"

Scent...? Do I smell? Oh no, that's not good because there are some pretty cute guys in here.

Hailee laughs "Sabrina this is Rowan"

"Hi" I say shyly

"Hey" she hugs me "her scent its really strong" she swallows

"Chill Rowan" she says

I secretly check to see if I smell. I seem alright? I don't know.

She points to the other kids "Sabrina this is Corey, Fallon, Robert, Austin, Piper and Olivia"

The all wave at me. I smile and they turn back to Hailee "I don't want to be here" I whisper

She nods "I understand"

"Hailee please tell me why I'm here" I plead

Suddenly the door opens and a gorgeous, tall boy enters. He had light brown hair and these bright green eyes that reminded me of the eyes I saw last night. He was breath taking.

He smiles at me then looks at Hailee "Mr. Greene will see her now"

My stomach drops and my heart starts racing. What does he want?

I guess he noticed I was scared because he looks at me and gave me a relaxing smile "hey, you're gonna be fine... I promise"

I nod and follow Hailee out of the room.

We walk down a long hallway and at the end stood and single door.

We enter and a man is sitting in a chair near a corner. He looks up at me and his green eyes glow. It's him! The guy from last night.

I moved closer to Hailee, she grabbed my hand and gave me a comforting smile.

I look to my right and see a man staring out the window with his back turned to us.

He turns and smiles at me "Welcome Sabrina"


This is gon' be some twilight junk. Hahaha nah but some of the stuff I use will be from the movie ...kinda.

So shout out to Twilight.

Hope you enjoyed it.

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